Minecraft Resource Packs

recently updated

This is a list of recently updated resource packs. Here you can browse thousands of awesome Minecraft resource packs and texture packs that will transform your world beyond recognition. The list below contains textures in various themes: realistic if you want to bring some realism to your Minecraft world, modern for your modern home or city buildings, medieval for your middle age castles, clean textures for OCD players, PvP (player versus player) packs and much more! Browse over 70 pages of various packs, incredibly and professionally designed!

F8thful Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

While the vast majority of resource packs increase the standard resolution in Minecraft from 16x to 32x or even more, the F8thful resource pack does things the other way around. Instead of upscaling textures, it downscales them to a resolution of 8×8. Using a resolution that is half the standard…

SummerFields Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

There are lots of successful resource packs out there for Minecraft, but one of the oldest is the Summerfields resource pack. This was formulated in the first place by lithiumsound, but since then the, due to unforeseen developments, the o.g creator is no longer in control. Instead, control has been…

DustStorm Galaxy PvP Resource Pack 1.8.9
DustStorm Galaxy PvP

The DustStorm Galaxy PvP Resource Pack is going to raise some of the PvP experience if you select to try the pack out. However, one thing that should be mentioned is that this specific art style which is used in the pack is not a suitable choice for each and…

Autumn Season Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2
Autumn Season

Autumn Seasons is a pack that is motivated to give Minecraft an appearance with a seasonal touch. You may have come across various packs that strive to provide a season based twist to the Minecraft but, fail. Most of those packs lack the actual finishing that gives them the uniqueness…

KUDA Shaders 1.21 / 1.20
KUDA Shaders

If you haven’t heard of the KUDA Shaders, it’s one of the best Minecraft shader packs. The reason for it being amongst the most popular is because it’s very well made with extreme attention to detail. Bugs are uncommon, and it’s compatible with a variety of different Minecraft mods, Optifine,…

Stay True Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Stay True

Stay True is a pretty new and popular minecraft resource pack that significantly enhances the visuals of the game to an entirely new level while also keeping the classic art style that gamers of all ages love. Stay True resource pack updates a wide range of the game’s textures to…

FastPBR Shaders 1.21 / 1.20
FastPBR Shaders

The FastPBR shader pack derives its name from a special graphics technique that aims to achieve photorealism, bringing it into Minecraft to amplify both the game’s appearance and player experience. One of the universal downsides, regardless of the type of shaders, is a significant drop in performance. The developer of…

Ozzy’s Deep Sea Deco Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Ozzy's Deep Sea Deco

The author of the Ozzy’s Deep Sea Deco resource pack has explicitly designed it to provide a steampunk type of look to Minecraft. Ozzy’s Deep Sea pack’s style or theme is similar to the Bioshock series. Bioshock or steampunk fans can instantly spot the similarity between them. The same author…

Exposa Unique Shaders 1.21 / 1.20
Exposa Shaders

The shader packs is one of the most renowned Exposa Shaders you are missing out on. Consequently, the majority of the gamers are not enlightened well enough about the Minecraft game. How you play the game is not a determinant of whether you’ll have fun, but what you put into…

Dokucraft Dwarven Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Dokucraft: Dwarven

The Dokucraft Dwarven resource pack is a modified version of the original DokuCraft pack and Dwarven edition contains beautifully designed textures. As is evident from its name, it includes every pattern, color, or texture that anyone can expect to see in underground castles or any similar place where one can…

PixaGraph Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18

Resource packs are not alien to the minecraft world, but none will have the same immediate impact that Pixagraph has had in a short period. Barely a few moments after its release, positive reviews rolled in non-stop from users who opted to try this new RPG resource pack out. The…

VanillaBDCraft Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

VanillaBDCraft resource pack draws its roots from PureBDCraft, a pack from 2011 by the same developer – Sphax. He even calls it a variation – although it follows the design of the original, it stays true to the vanilla Minecraft feel, as its name suggests. What sets it apart from…

SEUS / Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders 1.21 / 1.20
Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders (SEUS)

A defining feature of Minecraft is its visual aesthetic. The block style and simplistic graphics are now synonymous with the game and give it a retro gaming feel. The simple styling and play make the game easily accessible and popular across a broad demographic but, what do you do when…