Clean Resource Packs
recently updatedThis is a list of some of the best Clean Resource Packs in the world that were designed by various talented people. We provide you with a list, your task is to scroll through all the pages and find what is closer to your gameplay style.
Soft Bits is a resource pack designed by Wolfie Tundra. This resource pack is designed based on the PlasticCraft resource pack. The PlasticCraft resource pack was produced some time back. It is based on its features that Wolfie Tundra have designed a much better resource pack. The Soft Bits resource…
With so many resource packs being released daily, it is difficult to find something original or refreshing. MineBricks resource pack is the exception from the rule. It is the resource pack that many Minecraft players have hoped for to be created. What makes it so spectacularly refreshing is the fact…
Featuring soft color tones and coming with a calming effect, OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder is a texture pack designed for the Java edition of Minecraft. The pack is created by disco_ and looks clean, minimalist and simple. While the focus for the resource pack sticks to the concept of…
Easy Blocks resource pack remains faithful to the original cartoonish look of Minecraft and without any grandiose ambitions, it managed to bring a fresh new look to the game. Not everyone is into high-resolution resource packs. For many players, the 16x resolution of textures in vanilla Minecraft is good enough…
When it comes to Minecraft resource packs, there is a big craze for high-resolution textures and photorealistic visuals. However, some of the most popular resource packs do not have high-resolution textures and pretentious features. The Pollachius resource pack is one such example that proves less is more. Built to be…
If you want a resource pack that doesn’t change much but simplifies and smoothens how Minecraft looks – then I have great news for you, it’s right here. Digs’ Simple Pack is the best resource pack there is that can turn your Minecraft experience into a clean and easy-to-digest visual…
CreatorPack is a resource pack for minecraft that, at the time of writing this, has only been out for a few days and it’s already received quite a bit of attention and praise from the minecraft community. It was designed by creatorLabs team and without forgetting to regularly update their…
The Tiny Pixels resource pack was developed with the ambitious goal of making Minecraft better but by downscaling the resolution from the default 16x to 8x. While it may not appeal to many players, there are still some that will appreciate a simpler experience. Higher-resolution resource packs do not always…
The ZigZag resource pack is one of the few resource packs that introduce a complete visual overhaul of Minecraft. It is the result of the hard work of Jamie Mckinernan, who has been working at Harmonix for many years. Jamie and her colleagues created a private server on which they…
The Zorocks Pure Edge resource pack wouldn’t even cross your mind when you think about extraordinary, innovative textures. But that’s okay because its goal isn’t to transform Minecraft into a new game with a striking appearance and unrecognizable models. Instead, it focuses on improving the existing look, removing unnecessary clutter,…
The Glazin texture pack is designed to be smooth, giving players the clarity and high performance they deserve. The pack sets itself apart without innovative ideas, groundbreaking and never before seen features, or even a unique and original art style. It blends in with the ever-expanding list of Minecraft resource…
Simplicity and high performance are the middle names of the BoxCraft resource pack. You could guess from its name that it doesn’t change too much of the vanilla game’s details, since the textures retain their boxy, pixelated look. Unlike a lot of the resource packs out there that completely transform…
Reptilator is the developer behind the novel Bloctacraft pack. Several users praise Bloctacraft resource pack every day because It is quite impressive and has a beautiful design with simple textures. The texture pack’s best part is that it has not compromised the Minecraft game’s fundamental art style. You might have…