Other Resource Packs

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This is a list of some of the best Other Resource Packs in the world that were designed by various talented people. We provide you with a list, your task is to scroll through all the pages and find what is closer to your gameplay style.

MS Painted Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

When it comes to resource packs in Minecraft, MS-Painted is one of the best there is to offer. Although we’ve been playing Minecraft for years and have tried out a number of resource packs, the MS Painted resource pack really caught our attention. The design of the MS Painted resource…

Dynamic Surroundings Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Dynamic Surroundings

The Dynamic Surroundings resource pack is one of the most immersive and captivating additions to the world of Minecraft. For seasoned players and newcomers alike, this resource pack takes the in-game experience to a whole new level by introducing a variety of realistic and dynamic environmental effects. This resource pack…

Flower Pots + Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Flower Pots +

The Flower Pots + resource pack is indeed a new addition to the Minecraft gaming environment. Many of you may not like the default flower pot batches that usually come with the vanilla Minecraft gameplay. Thus, if you are interested to introduce more flower pots into the game and make…

Pencil Pack Hand Drawn Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
Pencil Pack

The Pencil Pack resource pack is one of the most unique and innovative Minecraft texture packs available today. This particular pack is exceptional with its detailed hand drawings. Most resource packs do not feature hand-drawn texture packs. Sometimes you will see resource packs that provide limited quantities of hand-drawn textures,…

Fresh Animations Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Fresh Animations

Is Minecraft already starting to feel plain for you? That’s surprising since the games have a lot in store for players. Nevertheless, what you feel is understandable. Simple animations will make you feel bored eventually. And this is something that Minecraft obviously has. Well, what do you know? That’s not…

Visible Ores Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Visible Ores

If you like trying out unique resource packs that bring something new and unusual to the table, then Visible Ores resource pack is one of your possible choices. Every Minecraft player knows that it can be quite tedious to find and even notice some of the rarer ores, especially in…

Clear Glass Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Clear Glass

The Clear Glass resource pack has been able to generate a lot of interest in a short time. The number of downloads for this texture pack has already crossed more than a few hundred thousand. The main reason for this interest seems to be its fabulous features. The resource pack…

Porkier Pigs Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Porkier Pigs

The Porkier Pigs resource pack is one of the most interesting increments to the Minecraft universe, promising a new interpretation of the game’s visual stylish by introducing a vast array of pig variants. If you love Minecraft’s blocky charm and endless creativity, you’re going to appreciate how this pack can…

Autumn Season Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2
Autumn Season

Autumn Seasons is a pack that is motivated to give Minecraft an appearance with a seasonal touch. You may have come across various packs that strive to provide a season based twist to the Minecraft but, fail. Most of those packs lack the actual finishing that gives them the uniqueness…

PixaGraph Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18

Resource packs are not alien to the minecraft world, but none will have the same immediate impact that Pixagraph has had in a short period. Barely a few moments after its release, positive reviews rolled in non-stop from users who opted to try this new RPG resource pack out. The…

Better Dogs Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Better Dogs

At the time of writing this, the Better Dogs resource pack has been out for less than a month. However, it has received an incredible amount of praise from the community in this short time and already has more than 18,000 downloads. As more players realize how unique and extraordinary…

Universal Seasons Resource Pack 1.18 / 1.17
Universal Seasons

Minecraft is one of the most popular and best created video game in the world. It is a game that allows the players get creative and build various 3D blocks. Universal Seasons is resource pack that aims at making Minecraft have a unique and special appeal to its users. This…

Tissou’s Zombie Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Tissou's Zombie Pack

Minecraft gaming has evolved over time making changes that suit brilliant players who want to feel the aspect of new gaming. One of the latest Minecraft releases is the Tissou’s Zombie Pack made for Zombie player experts. You realize most of the previous Minecraft packs concentrate much on changing the…