8x Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality 8x Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Faithless Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

The Faithless resource pack is one of the packs that take into interest how to overcome color deficiencies in Minecraft. Are you that type of person who cannot distinguish between colors and you are a gamer or want to try a certain game? Well, this is the pack for you…

Pollachius Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

When it comes to Minecraft resource packs, there is a big craze for high-resolution textures and photorealistic visuals. However, some of the most popular resource packs do not have high-resolution textures and pretentious features. The Pollachius resource pack is one such example that proves less is more. Built to be…

Digs’ Simple Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Digs' Simple

If you want a resource pack that doesn’t change much but simplifies and smoothens how Minecraft looks – then I have great news for you, it’s right here. Digs’ Simple Pack is the best resource pack there is that can turn your Minecraft experience into a clean and easy-to-digest visual…

Splotch Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

Embrace all the beauty of a minimalistic approach with the Splotch resource pack. As Minecraft becomes increasingly more advanced, the heavy-duty packs with ridiculously high resolutions demand a lot of resources that only players with expensive PCs can afford to run. Nowadays, it’s hard to find a resource pack that…

F8thful Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

While the vast majority of resource packs increase the standard resolution in Minecraft from 16x to 32x or even more, the F8thful resource pack does things the other way around. Instead of upscaling textures, it downscales them to a resolution of 8×8. Using a resolution that is half the standard…

Tiny Pixels Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Tiny Pixels

The Tiny Pixels resource pack was developed with the ambitious goal of making Minecraft better but by downscaling the resolution from the default 16x to 8x. While it may not appeal to many players, there are still some that will appreciate a simpler experience. Higher-resolution resource packs do not always…

Glazin Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18

The Glazin texture pack is designed to be smooth, giving players the clarity and high performance they deserve. The pack sets itself apart without innovative ideas, groundbreaking and never before seen features, or even a unique and original art style. It blends in with the ever-expanding list of Minecraft resource…

Rodrigo’s Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
Rodrigo's Pack

While there is a range of PvP resource packs online these days, finding one with the best PvP experience can be quite a challenge. Many PvP resource packs have a lot of unnecessary features and textures installed which end up undermining the performance of Minecraft, and consequently negatively affect the…

Perch Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18

The Perch resource pack is a great alternative for the ones that want to try something else other than vanilla Minecraft that is closer to how 8-bit games used to look. Not everyone wants or can play using a high-resolution resource pack. Many players experience severe performance issues when trying…

8-bitCraft 2 Resource Pack 1.18 / 1.17
8-bitCraft 2

As suggested by its name, the minecraft 8-bitCraft 2 resource pack is simply 8-bitCraft’s remastered version that was available in the market from the end of year 2018. The Minecraft original 8-bitCraft definitely is a resource pack with stellar appearance that got transformed in the world environment of Minecraft into…

Retro Pompeii Resource Pack 1.8.9 / 1.7.10
Retro Pompeii

While most resource packs attempt to increase texture resolutions to deliver better visuals, the Retro Pompeii resource pack uses a different approach. It reduces the texture resolution to 8×8 from the default 16×16. Surprisingly, it does not make the game more blocky than vanilla Minecraft even if the level of…

OGZCraft Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15

With thousands of high resolution, sophisticated resource packs out there, it’s not an easy task to make one that’s going to be recognized by people – especially if it focuses on simplicity and unobtrusiveness. The scene has been overtaken by hardware dependent textures which try to make the game as…

8-bitCraft Resource Pack 1.14 / 1.13

8-bitCraft is a resource pack, and a new addition to the Minecraft “family”, that has, at the time of the writing, been released less than a few months ago. Now, the surprising thing about this pack is that it’s already receiving a lot of praise, good reviews and downloads, which…