Other Resource Packs

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This is a list of some of the best Other Resource Packs in the world that were designed by various talented people. We provide you with a list, your task is to scroll through all the pages and find what is closer to your gameplay style.

Epic Realistic Sky Resource Pack 1.12.2
Epic Realistic Sky

The Epic Realistic Sky is a resource pack that does precisely what its name suggests. The resource pack does what you expect and believe it will do; it definitely never lets you down in any way. It’s crafted specifically for the audience of players who aren’t contented with the way…

Colossus Animated Resource Pack 1.12.2
Colossus Animated

If you haven’t tried the just released Colossus Animated Resource Pack that possesses color-altering animated weapons, then you don’t know what feeling cool is all about. The unique features in the latest pack allow you transform the color of texture items while at the same time enables incorporation of unique…

Elderwood Majesty Resource Pack 1.12.2
Elderwood Majesty

Why is Elderwood Majesty resource pack the utmost dissimilar and exceptional resource pack there is? Because it is centered on a very fascinating fictional themed style that is not available in most of the old-style packs. Over the years, there have been countless different resource packs with varying qualities. Although…

Land of the Sun Resource Pack 1.12.2
Land of the Sun

If you are a Minecraft gamer, and you do not have Land of the sun resource pack, then you do not know what you are missing. The pack add warm colours to your Minecraft game world elevating your gaming experience out of this world. The gaming experience and the reliability…

Real Nature Resource Pack 1.12.2
Real Nature Resource Pack

Real Nature Resource Pack is a brand new set of textures for minecraft. As you know, most minecraft packs try to make the look of the game as good as possible by simply designing every texture in various different ways. They create and it looks awesome but there are also…

Avatar the Last Airbender: Equipment Pack

As many people already noticed this is a resource pack inspired by the American television series Avatar the Last Airbender. What does this pack really do? It simply changes almost all weapons, tools and items to look like television series Avatar the Last Airbender. As a small feature, the diamond…

CutieCraft Resource Pack 1.7.10

CutieCraft is cute enough resource pack with a pretty nice and sweet block and item textures. CutieCraft is really one of the most pleasant resource packs which stylistically reminiscent SugarPack and High on Sugar packs, although it is not really similar to it. Colors of this pack aren’t very bright and flashy but…

Native American Resource Pack 1.7.10

This pack is mostly called IRON.HORSE or Native American which, I think, is mystical resource pack. This pack will show you America before it was settled with its current residents. These textures will transfer you to the ancient times … Old TNT, the old pistons, a jukebox, a hookah, a magician tables and so…

Beautyness Resource Pack 1.7.10

Beautyness is an another interesting resource pack which brings variety of new things to your game and makes the world much more realistic and attractive. This pack’s resolution is 64x which will allow you to enjoy the detailed nature, but requires a more powerful computer. So if you are the owner…

PleadiaCraft Resource Pack 1.7.10

Do you ever thinking of making your world of minecraft more joyful, bright and sunny? Then you probably should download this resoure pack. PleadiaCraft Resource Pack turn the game into dreamlike world where the sun always shines, the grass is always green and even the enemies look pretty cute. In general, PleadiaCraft…

Yay Toast Resource Pack 1.7.10
Yay Toast

Yay Toast Pack is a very cheerful, funny and cute texture pack for minecraft. For me, Yay Toast Pack is one of the most unusual texture packs that exist at the moment, because all the textures are designed in absolutely different and cheerful colors. You can say that this pack isn’t interesting…

POW! Craft Resource Pack 1.7.10
POW! Craft

POW! Craft is a lovely resource pack with a strange name that will make your world a bit different. This pack will change everything, and not only block textures but all the tools as well as weapons. In general, the texture will not bring anything special, but it does change the…

NA UX Reborn Resource Pack 1.7.10
NA UX Reborn

Do you want to make your game world more brighter and the colors become more colorful and vibrant? NA UX Reborn Resource Pack is what you need! Comfort IS in the fact that there is no need to install additional applications to use this texture pack!