Minecraft Resource Packs
recently updatedThis is a list of recently updated resource packs. Here you can browse thousands of awesome Minecraft resource packs and texture packs that will transform your world beyond recognition. The list below contains textures in various themes: realistic if you want to bring some realism to your Minecraft world, modern for your modern home or city buildings, medieval for your middle age castles, clean textures for OCD players, PvP (player versus player) packs and much more! Browse over 70 pages of various packs, incredibly and professionally designed!
The clarity resource pack is, without a doubt, one of the best resource pack that has been developed in recent times. With so many packs being developed every other day it is amazing just how clarity pack has managed to stand out. The brilliance behind its conceptualization and execution is…
The Coterie Craft resource pack is unique to its core, while still remaining familiar. With a distinctly different feel from the more traditional resource packs with similar artistic styling. Often you’ll find that moth faithful packs are far too similar to each other, with very little variance to make them…
BetterVanillaBuilding is a Minecraft’s resource pack which is specially designed for the builders, who wants more realistic textures which can transform their houses or building look much greater than they often do. Even though the graphics of the vanilla world would make a lot of the gamer bases feel satisfied…
Not everyone appreciates these new photorealistic Minecraft resource packs. While it is true that there is a great amount of work that goes into them, you are left wondering if Minecraft is still Minecraft when you bump up texture resolutions 4 or 8 times and push up the level of…
When Minecraft was originally released, it was a revolutionary game and it still is today. However, the visuals in vanilla have not held up well. Fortunately, due to a dedicated community, Minecraft is the great beneficiary of many great resource packs and shader packs. RedHat Shaders is one of the…
Stevens Traditional resource pack is one of the first packs on the market that managed to revolutionize Minecraft visuals. Many packs tried this uneasy task of improving the blocky graphics, while preserving the traditional retro style of the game, but only few of them have succeeded. Steven’s Traditional is one…
Minecraft, at its core, is not very PvP oriented. You can enjoy PvP in vanilla Minecraft but it is not a great experience. If you compare the PvP experience of vanilla with what you get from a PvP dedicated resource pack, you will notice a night and day difference. As…
The Golden Days texture pack is one of the most nostalgic and visually appealing texture packs available for Minecraft enthusiasts. This carefully crafted pack aims to transport players back to the earlier days of the game, evoking a sense of warmth and familiarity while still maintaining a fresh and polished…
Jicklus Green and Jicklus Orange must be familiar to anyone who’s ever stumbled upon the Jicklus resource pack. Orange and Green are the only forms of the Jicklus resource pack, and we discussed them just recently. Before, these two packs featured a myriad highlight elements as well as uncommon designs…
Bloodcraft resource pack is one of the latest in the world of minecraft. Although it is inspired by the cool horror game called Blood developed by Monolith, it brings a whole new perspective of horror-themed pack. It is a rare game of its kind and resource pack pays massive attention…
Don’t be fooled by its name – the Woodpecker resource pack doesn’t focus exclusively on birds. Instead, it overhauls the game to give it a medieval, rustic feel. Woodpecker is unique and characteristic due to the varying amount of colors per block. Instead of being constant, each block can have…
The Porkier Pigs resource pack is one of the most interesting increments to the Minecraft universe, promising a new interpretation of the game’s visual stylish by introducing a vast array of pig variants. If you love Minecraft’s blocky charm and endless creativity, you’re going to appreciate how this pack can…
The SOLR PvP resource pack is the perfect addition to any Minecrafter’s game if they enjoy PvP. Although Minecraft has many enjoyable facets, it is not oriented around PvP. Although vanilla Minecraft allows PvP, the experience has a lot of room for improvement. PvP in vanilla Minecraft is a far…