Minecraft 1.9.4 Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.9.4 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

InventorySense UI Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
InventorySense UI

InventorySense UI is a recently released resource pack that just after a few days of their initial launch it has already gained a lot of attention from the users mostly because it improves greatly what we had by default in minecraft and according to the possibilities of a GUI oriented…

Better Dogs Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Better Dogs

At the time of writing this, the Better Dogs resource pack has been out for less than a month. However, it has received an incredible amount of praise from the community in this short time and already has more than 18,000 downloads. As more players realize how unique and extraordinary…

Canvas Resource Pack 1.17 / 1.16
Faithful Canvas: Minecraft in Brush Up

With a slogan of “Minecraft in Brush”, the Canvas resource pack is everything you’d want from a faithful-style pack. It’s arguably one of the resource packs with the most amount of work put into it, which becomes fairly obvious once you start playing around with it. If you feel like…

MeineKraft Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19

Every once in a while we get to experience resource packs so good that the community refuses to let them die. The problem is that many Minecraft resource packs end up being abandoned by their original creators. Such is the story of the MeineKraft resource pack. Originally developed by user…

Tiny Pixels Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Tiny Pixels

The Tiny Pixels resource pack was developed with the ambitious goal of making Minecraft better but by downscaling the resolution from the default 16x to 8x. While it may not appeal to many players, there are still some that will appreciate a simpler experience. Higher-resolution resource packs do not always…

ZigZag Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18

The ZigZag resource pack is one of the few resource packs that introduce a complete visual overhaul of Minecraft. It is the result of the hard work of Jamie Mckinernan, who has been working at Harmonix for many years. Jamie and her colleagues created a private server on which they…

Winthor Medieval Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Winthor Medieval

Winthor Medieval is the most recent resource pack that has distinct features in all its Minecraft operations as compared to other packs. The difference can hardly be noticed at first but a closer examination of its features as compared to other similar packs can easily be felt. Winthor Medieval resource…

Retro NES Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19
Retro NES

For all those who want an engaging reminder of the good old times, the resource pack called the Retro NES is the thing they have been looking for. Retro NES is resource pack which you should immediately download just because of one thing – it is a really impressing resource…

Depixel (Default 32×32) Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18

The Depixel resource pack is one of the most comprehensive projects for Minecraft as far as textures are concerned. Whereas many packs start very ambitiously only to decline later on, Depixel goes even beyond its base features. Previously known as Default 32×32, this pack took its inspiration from the very…

Eldpack Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18

The Eldpack resource pack has taken the Minecraft community by storm, captivating players with its stunning visuals and unique art style. This resource pack offers a truly immersive and visually enchanting experience, breathing new life into the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. With its meticulous attention to detail and vibrant color…

Flows HD Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18
Flows HD

A vibrant, lively appearance is the trademark of the Flows HD texture pack. Its uniqueness comes from the developer’s inspiration with numerous resource packs, which led him to combine their best elements and create this quite unique resource pack. The game-changing textures that it offers are a result of years…

Malte Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18
Malte Pack

Malte Pack is one of the greatest resource packs you will ever see. It’s visually outstanding and has a huge amount of changes we sure you will like a lot. This texture pack was built to load properly on 1.9 and above versions, but not lower versions. This means if…

Chroma Hills Resource Pack 1.19 / 1.18
Chroma Hills

Many resource packs use real images as textures to add a certain degree of realism. While these types of resource packs have their audience, many players enjoy texture packs that are designed to be cartoonish and use textures that are flashier. The Chroma Hills resource pack is one such example…