Minecraft 1.14.2 Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.14.2 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Classic Alternative Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
Classic Alternative

Minecraft is arguably the most popular game having won numerous accolades since its entry and is 2nd only to Tetris in worldwide business. With such high demand for the game, developers and programmers across the world have been creating add-on, mods, plugins and texture packs to further enhance the gaming…

Better than Default Resource Pack 1.15 / 1.14
Better than Default

Players who take pleasure in the traditional views of Minecraft will like the resource pack dubbed Better Than Default. If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast, and you feel like enhancing the traditional visuals of Minecraft, here’s your apt resource pack. This pack clings to Vanilla Minecraft’s style of art but still…

Atmo Resource Pack 1.14.4 / 1.13.2

Atmo refers to a recently introduced but trendy resource pack with close to 10,000 downloads. Behind the popularity of this pack by tomaxed44 is it’s myriad texture varieties. Atmo resource pack has its history dated back to 2017 when it was first developed. Initially, it only served as an add-on…

Relaxed Default Resource Pack 1.14.4 / 1.13.2
Relaxed Default

Relaxed Default resource pack tries to convey a realistic feel and is mostly different from other available resource packs, which focuses more on traditional realism. The pack achieves this by implementing a reasonable number of textured details. It also makes sure the game’s artistic style, which is the default, isn’t…

World of Minecraft Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
World of Minecraft (WoW Resource Pack)

NinjaWorgen has launched an amazing pack that has received a lot of good ratings and critical remarks from those who have experienced it. As the name of resource pack describes, the pack features a gorgeous World of Warcraft that keep players entertained and engaged. The main goal of this iconic…

Infinite Swords Project Resource Pack 1.14 / 1.13
Infinite Swords Project

Getting bored of Minecraft’s gameplay? Of those same layers of graphics again and again? Wouldn’t it be rather great to have the game-play style of SAO, ALO and GGO into Minecraft? Infinite Swords Project resource pack or ISP, a ‘Sword Art Online’ inspired project, does exactly that. It aims to…

Nightly Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15

While most texture packs focus on visuals, the Nightly resource pack is more about functionality and utility. Instead of altering the game, textures, introducing new blocks or items, the resource pack makes one significant change and that is lighting during night time. It was made solely for clarity and as…

Hollywood Blocks Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
Hollywood Blocks

Until very recently Hollywood Blocks resource pack had not been updated even though it was created over seven years ago, meaning that this pack did not work with the newer versions of Minecraft. The original 128x project was started in mid 2013, but it was abandoned with the author citing…

ACME Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15

If you are looking for an extraordinary and unusual texture pack, then the ACME resource pack may be what you are looking for. This resource pack has a very creative and distinctive design. It gives the game a unique and attractive look based on an art style which was popular…

SenseCraft Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15

We all know what resource packs are not new to minecraft fans. There are so many resource packs available nowadays, however, most people will probably appreciate SenseCraft Resource Pack because it doesn’t have nearly as much interest in drastically transforming the look of minecraft. The pack was originally created by…

Feudalist Resource Pack 1.14 / 1.13

There is a brand-new minecraft resource pack that has been uploaded to the internet less than a month ago and has already been downloaded more than 2000 times. This popular resource pack is called Feudalist. The incredible amount of times that is has been downloaded is not a coincidence at…

Sugarpack Resource Pack 1.14 / 1.13

If you have a sweet tooth, then the Sugarpack resource pack is perfect for you. This resource will scratch that sweet itch by turning all of your standard food items into delectable sweets. Not only that, but all monsters, villagers, even cows and pigs and other friendly mobs are magically…

Minelands Resource Pack 1.14 / 1.13

If you’re a Minecraft fan and also love the Gearbox’s game Borderlands, you’re sure to have liked the Bordercraft resource pack. One of the most admired and downloaded Minecraft resource packs, Bordercraft lost its relevance a few years back when its updates stopped coming. The resource pack, Minelands, which has…