16x Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality 16x Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Far Cry 3 Resource Pack 1.7.10 / 1.6.4
Far Cry 3

Far Cry has been a very successful franchise for Ubisoft. As part of their marketing campaign for the release of Far Cry 3, Ubisoft Entertainment released a texture pack inspired by the game. The Far Cry 3 resource pack introduces many elements and changes to vanilla Minecraft that replicate many…

Aquamarine PvP Resource Pack 1.8.9
Aquamarine PvP

One of the brand-new resource packs established by the CLBNTR is the Aquamarine PvP. CLBNTR has been associated with quite a number of other top-rated PvP resource packs. From the history, the packs have been doing well as their forerunners. Due to this, it goes without saying that Aquamarine PvP…

RomeCraft Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2

A lot of Minecraft texture packs take inspiration from the world around us. The RomeCraft resource pack is inspired by a world that is long gone, with only monuments still surviving the test of time. Ancient Rome is the main source of inspiration for RomeCraft, adding new textures and elements…

Endoria Resource Pack 1.13.2 / 1.12.2

Endoria is a resource pack that appears to have been specifically designed in order to cater to the needs of certain Minecraft players who find it enjoyable and thrilling with the default art style of the game. This will, therefore, enable them to improve the visuals to some extent without…

Infinite Swords Project Resource Pack 1.14 / 1.13
Infinite Swords Project

Getting bored of Minecraft’s gameplay? Of those same layers of graphics again and again? Wouldn’t it be rather great to have the game-play style of SAO, ALO and GGO into Minecraft? Infinite Swords Project resource pack or ISP, a ‘Sword Art Online’ inspired project, does exactly that. It aims to…

Nightly Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15

While most texture packs focus on visuals, the Nightly resource pack is more about functionality and utility. Instead of altering the game, textures, introducing new blocks or items, the resource pack makes one significant change and that is lighting during night time. It was made solely for clarity and as…

Project Mario-Hand Drawn Resource Pack 1.7.10 / 1.6.4
Project Mario-Hand Drawn

Creating a Mario-inspired resource pack is not considered very creative. It is not something that has not been done before. Many resource packs were made around the same theme but the Project Mario Hand-Drawn resource pack is one of the first ones. Released close to a decade ago, it is…

SenseCraft Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15

We all know what resource packs are not new to minecraft fans. There are so many resource packs available nowadays, however, most people will probably appreciate SenseCraft Resource Pack because it doesn’t have nearly as much interest in drastically transforming the look of minecraft. The pack was originally created by…

Sharpened Resource Pack 1.13.2 / 1.12.2

Most of you who have had the opportunity to explore Minecraft resource packs before know who Deltaz is. Deltaz is arguably a household name when it comes to matters Minecraft. This is because it has made several awesome packs before such as Smoothelium, Realistic, Oerlis and Smoothcraft. Sharpened resource pack…

SoulBound Resource Pack 1.11.2 / 1.8.9

From textures themselves to the GUI and fonts, the Soulbound resource pack covers every aspect of Minecraft and transforms it into a complete, unique experience. Even though you might be discouraged by the seemingly low resolution of just 16×16, don’t be fooled – Soulbound texture pack brings quite a few…

Sandy Dreams Resource Pack 1.9.4 / 1.8.9
Sandy Dreams

The Sandy Dreams resource pack tries to maintain the standard graphics of Minecraft while updating its general look with low-res textures and animations. This pack is excellent for those with simple computer requirements, as the whole kit has a 16x resolution. Minecraft players who use this texture pack find that…

Xaiwaker Swirly Resource Pack 1.17.1 / 1.12.2
Xaiwaker Swirly

After the first Xaiwaker resource pack became open source, kyctarniq took everything one step further by creating the Xaiwaker Swirly resource pack. Believe it or not, this resource pack does share a lot with the original version – but it also brings a unique twist of its own that you’ll…

Echelon Resource Pack 1.14.4 / 1.13.2

The Echelon resource pack takes a different approach than other popular texture packs.  The default textures in vanilla Minecraft have a 16x resolution and for most players that is enough. It is the blocky visuals that make Minecraft recognizable and appreciated. Most resource packs attempt to alter the identity of…