Themed Resource Packs

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This category will list all the best themed resource packs currently available for Minecraft. Whenever you want a certain movie style to be featured in your Minecraft game, maybe you want a certain season in Minecraft to be all the time, or maybe you want an Asian themed texture pack – you can find it all in this category. We provide you with a list, your task is to scroll through all the pages and find what is closer to your playing style.

Minelands Resource Pack 1.14 / 1.13

If you’re a Minecraft fan and also love the Gearbox’s game Borderlands, you’re sure to have liked the Bordercraft resource pack. One of the most admired and downloaded Minecraft resource packs, Bordercraft lost its relevance a few years back when its updates stopped coming. The resource pack, Minelands, which has…

The Arestian’s Dawn Resource Pack 1.8.9 / 1.7.10
The Arestian’s Dawn

The Arestian’s Dawn resource pack has traditionally been one of Minecraft’s best RPG packs and for good reason. It’s compact and hassle-free, easy to install and boot, and compatible with most other resource packs commonly used. The RPG pack includes updated icons for the assortment of buffs and stat levels…

Rangercraft Autumn Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2
Rangercraft Autumn

Do you want your Minecraft game look similar to the beautiful autumn spell? In case you just nodded, then this Rangercraft resource pack is the ideal set of textures that will make that come true for you. The pack is an outcome of the most recent innovation in the gaming…

PseudoCraft Resource Pack 1.9.4 / 1.8.9

The new PseudoCraft resource pack is currently still in the beta stages of development, but with the resource pack being relatively new and not completed as of yet, it always brings the best of textures to the game. With a 32x resolution, the textures are simple and don’t require a…

Okami Resource Pack 1.14.4 / 1.13.2

One of the most beautiful looking and polished Minecraft resource packs you can try is the Okami. The Okami resource pack brings artistry and beauty to Minecraft’s simple graphics. The new graphics have a very consistent style, with each image and texture fitting together with the others. The Okami texture…

Blocky Mobs Resource Pack 1.8.9
Blocky Mobs

The Blocky Mobs resource pack makes the appearance of the game more blocky. So, you may be wondering what’s the purpose of using this texture pack when the game itself features an overall blocky environment everywhere? Well, that’s not the case here! When you will install this pack, you will…

Winthor Winter Resource Pack 1.13.2 / 1.12.2
Winthor Winter

Winthor Winter resource pack came into being recently and it is among the best resource packs that we have globally. Its manufacturer(Winthor Medieval) produced it with new functionalities and features that are able to withstand the winter season. Equally important is that this resource pack has been made available on…

Sonic the Hedgehog Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
Sonic the Hedgehog

There are plenty of Minecraft texture packs that are inspired by TV shows or cartoons. Sonic the Hedgehog resource pack brings, as you already know, Sonic to Minecraft. With several visual upgrades and changes, the pack brings Minecraft even closer to old 8-bit games that may feel familiar to many…

StarCraft Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2

By looking at the StarCraft resource pack name it might appear that it has derived inspiration from the immensely popular RTS games series developed by Blizzard; however, in reality, this is far from true. As a matter of fact, this particular resource pack has been recently launched on the market…

CanterlotCraft Resource Pack 1.13.2 / 1.8.9

There are a lot of Minecraft resource packs that are inspired by TV shows. CanterlotCraft resource pack retakes inspiration from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and that is easy to see even in screenshots. The texture pack makes use of visual elements that mimic the atmosphere and vibrant colors…

MW3 Resource Pack 1.7.10 / 1.6.4

MW3 resource pack is aimed to provide you the first-person shooter video game (Modern Warfare) visual experience in Minecraft. For all of you who are interested to enjoy the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 theme in your favorite Minecraft, this is indeed the best texture pack to consider! This…

Pencil Pack Hand Drawn Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
Pencil Pack

The Pencil Pack resource pack is one of the most unique and innovative Minecraft texture packs available today. This particular pack is exceptional with its detailed hand drawings. Most resource packs do not feature hand-drawn texture packs. Sometimes you will see resource packs that provide limited quantities of hand-drawn textures,…

Slendercraft Resource Pack 1.11.2 / 1.10.2

If you are fascinated by the horror/thriller film Slenderman, then you can definitely take a quick look at the SlenderCraft resource pack, which, needless to say, can be the best and most appropriate texture pack for all those players who are fond of Slenderman. The SlenderCraft pack is aimed to…