Minecraft Resource Packs

recently updated

This is a list of recently updated resource packs. Here you can browse thousands of awesome Minecraft resource packs and texture packs that will transform your world beyond recognition. The list below contains textures in various themes: realistic if you want to bring some realism to your Minecraft world, modern for your modern home or city buildings, medieval for your middle age castles, clean textures for OCD players, PvP (player versus player) packs and much more! Browse over 70 pages of various packs, incredibly and professionally designed!

vonDoomCraft Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

If you are looking for a resource pack that can provide graphics and visuals that have never been seen before in Minecraft, the vonDoomCraft resource pack is one to check out. One of the most unique features of this pack is that it is inspired by a horror theme, which…

Better Leaves Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Motschen's Better Leaves

Motschen’s Better Leaves – while the name itself might give you an idea of what this resource pack is all about, it still adds a lot of value to the game despite its simplicity. Every Minecraft player, veteran or novice, knows that the game’s trademark is its textures’ cartoonish, child-like…

Pixlli Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

The Pixlli resource pack is an incredible work of art that breathes new life into Minecraft by refining its textures. Illystray, the creator of the Pixlli resource pack, might have made one of the best resource packs to date. While everyone’s preferences vary, and deciding what the “best” resource pack…

rotrBLOCKS Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

rotrBLOCKS resource pack is one of many that attempts to change the plain vanilla Minecraft look for the better by upscaling textures. What is impressive about the resource pack that it manages to achieve this goal much better than most resource packs that focus on realism, vanilla theme and increased…

Faithful 64x Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Faithful 64x (Compliance 64x)

Faithful 64x resource pack or also known as Compliance 64x resource pack tasks itself with improving the environment visuals and overall details in Minecraft. To achieve this, the developer opted for a hike in texture resolution. As the name states, the resolution of the textures is 64x which is 4…

Parallax PBR Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Parallax PBR

Parallax PBR is a texture pack that keeps the iconic style of vanilla Minecraft while enhancing its original qualities. It adds details and refreshes the game, yet the items and blocks are still recognizable. The famous Faithful texture pack used to reign supreme when it came to texture packs that…

Solas Shaders 1.21 / 1.20
Solas Shaders

Solas Shaders is a shader pack designed to bring Minecraft’s blocky visuals to the next level. Players who enjoy realism or fantasy will be eager to try this shader pack since it adds stunning aesthetics to vanilla Minecraft that fits both of those themes. It also blends beautifully with texture…

Colourful Containers GUI Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Colourful Containers GUI

We all know our fair share of resource packs that modify the game’s graphics and textures – there are countless of them online right now for you to try. But what about modifying something that will be a big part of your screen most of the time, even though it…

Relatively Improved Default (Barely Default) Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Barely Default

For players that became bored of the vanilla Minecraft experience, the Mickey Joe’s Relatively Improved Default resource pack may prove to be the ideal upgrade. It is a simple texture pack that alters the default visuals in Minecraft, offering a more immersive experience. Originally designed by the developer for his…

Tooniverse Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

As years passed by, Minecraft went through many quality of life improvements. While most have been focusing on features, visual improvements have been neglected. For everyone, Minecraft is that blocky game that offers constant enjoyment when played. Resource packs have been trying to make Minecraft look better. Each resource pack…

URBAN Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

There are very few projects that get you excited. The URBAN resource pack appears to be one of the few that manages to stir the interest of even the most veteran Minecraft players. This is because it is not just a texture resolution upscale. It is also not just a…

Optimum Realism Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Optimum Realism

Even if for some Minecraft may seem dated in terms of graphics, there are a lot of players that enjoy it just the way it is. For some players, seeing a resource pack that adds more depth and upscales the visuals is something worth having. For those players, the solution…

Brixel Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

There are thousands of different resource packs that you can experiment and play around with. Most of them are free but the best ones hide behind a paywall. Developers should be rewarded for their time and effort as they invest their talent in resource packs that make Minecraft better. The…