Minecraft Resource Packs

recently updated

This is a list of recently updated resource packs. Here you can browse thousands of awesome Minecraft resource packs and texture packs that will transform your world beyond recognition. The list below contains textures in various themes: realistic if you want to bring some realism to your Minecraft world, modern for your modern home or city buildings, medieval for your middle age castles, clean textures for OCD players, PvP (player versus player) packs and much more! Browse over 70 pages of various packs, incredibly and professionally designed!

MakeUp Ultra Fast Shaders 1.21 / 1.20
MakeUp - Ultra Fast

There are only so many resource packs focused on Minecraft textures that can achieve. Swapping blocky and pixelated textures with higher resolution ones can improve the game in many ways but lighting and shaders are often overlooked. Most players fail to understand the importance of shaders when it comes to…

URBAN Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19

There are very few projects that get you excited. The URBAN resource pack appears to be one of the few that manages to stir the interest of even the most veteran Minecraft players. This is because it is not just a texture resolution upscale. It is also not just a…

X-Ray Ultimate Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
X-Ray Ultimate

Nowadays, many people enjoy spending their free time while playing games. One of the best games that people enjoy to play is the mining adventure that is found in Minecraft. Minecraft is one of the games that needs good playing skills. Among the participant, there are players who have good…

Iris Shaders 1.21 / 1.20
Iris Shaders

One of the most popular releases in the shaders community, the Iris shader pack is a modern take and a game-changer as far as Minecraft add-ons go. There are multiple reasons behind its massive popularity and interest among players of all types, and it all stems from a new technology…

F8thful Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

While the vast majority of resource packs increase the standard resolution in Minecraft from 16x to 32x or even more, the F8thful resource pack does things the other way around. Instead of upscaling textures, it downscales them to a resolution of 8×8. Using a resolution that is half the standard…

Pixlli Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

The Pixlli resource pack is an incredible work of art that breathes new life into Minecraft by refining its textures. Illystray, the creator of the Pixlli resource pack, might have made one of the best resource packs to date. While everyone’s preferences vary, and deciding what the “best” resource pack…

SummerFields Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

There are lots of successful resource packs out there for Minecraft, but one of the oldest is the Summerfields resource pack. This was formulated in the first place by lithiumsound, but since then the, due to unforeseen developments, the o.g creator is no longer in control. Instead, control has been…

DustStorm Galaxy PvP Resource Pack 1.8.9
DustStorm Galaxy PvP

The DustStorm Galaxy PvP Resource Pack is going to raise some of the PvP experience if you select to try the pack out. However, one thing that should be mentioned is that this specific art style which is used in the pack is not a suitable choice for each and…

Whimscape Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

The Whimscape resource pack is definitely one of the best resource packs that you should consider downloading in the world of Minecraft. It features an extremely vibrant, exceptionally recognizable, and high-quality 16×16 pixel art that offers a fun and immersive game environment to players. The resource pack was created by…

ModernArch Realism Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
ModernArch R

One of the best resource packs that one can find for the newer versions of Minecraft is ModernArch Realism. Sometimes, one can be unimpressed after downloading one of the countless free resource packs. ModernArch resource pack, on the other hand, is not likely to disappoint you. What sets ModernArch apart…

Faithless Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

The Faithless resource pack is one of the packs that take into interest how to overcome color deficiencies in Minecraft. Are you that type of person who cannot distinguish between colors and you are a gamer or want to try a certain game? Well, this is the pack for you…

Overgrown Flowery GUI Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Overgrown Flowery GUI

When you think about resource packs, the Overgrown Flowery GUI is probably not something that you would associate them with. By now, we’re all used to the regular packs that change most of the textures inside the game, including blocks, tools, mobs, and everything else that you can see and…

Stormilla Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

Among the vast sea of similar and uninspiring packs, the Stormilla resource pack has emerged to break the routine and set itself as the most ambitious project that the Minecraft community has seen in a while. The pack is one of the more recent additions, dating back just a few…