Minecraft 1.12 Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.12 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Traditional Beauty Resource Pack 1.12.2
Traditional Beauty

Traditional Beauty is texture pack with very nice graphics. This texture pack will suit to all lovers of the standard graphics fin the game. Minor changes and a resolution of 64×64 pixels make it amazingly beautiful and harmonious, with this pack your buildings will look more attractive.

NatureCraft HD Realism Resource Pack 1.12.2
NatureCraft HD Realism

Naturecraft resource pack has only been launched barely a few days ago. However, this unique resource pack has managed to win the hearts of many people as it was eagerly expected prior to its existence. To be honest, Naturecaft has so far been able to attain a milestone of more…

Animesque HD Resource Pack 1.12.2
Animesque HD

Animesque HD resource pack is a Minecraft pack that is inspired by two THINGS: These two things are the Sphax resource pack which you can download here and the anime. Even though this pack is incomplete because it is still a Work-in-progress, it is not so far from completion. Moreover,…

Epic Realistic Sky Resource Pack 1.12.2
Epic Realistic Sky

The Epic Realistic Sky is a resource pack that does precisely what its name suggests. The resource pack does what you expect and believe it will do; it definitely never lets you down in any way. It’s crafted specifically for the audience of players who aren’t contented with the way…

Steamed Up Resource Pack 1.12.2
Steamed Up

As a resource pack, Steamed Up was developed nearly 4 years ago. When it was initially launched, it was arguably one of the best and most impressively crafted and high-end resource packs. This is because it has an excellent set of textures coupled with a glossy design. However, after some…

BufyCraft Realistic Resource Pack 1.12.2

BufyCraft HD Resource Pack has been in use for some time now. Although it was released just five years ago, it has managed to compete against other modern day packs. In fact, BufyCraft is one of the best quality packs available today in its category. The primary emphasis of the…

Colossus Animated Resource Pack 1.12.2
Colossus Animated

If you haven’t tried the just released Colossus Animated Resource Pack that possesses color-altering animated weapons, then you don’t know what feeling cool is all about. The unique features in the latest pack allow you transform the color of texture items while at the same time enables incorporation of unique…

Elderwood Majesty Resource Pack 1.12.2
Elderwood Majesty

Why is Elderwood Majesty resource pack the utmost dissimilar and exceptional resource pack there is? Because it is centered on a very fascinating fictional themed style that is not available in most of the old-style packs. Over the years, there have been countless different resource packs with varying qualities. Although…

Xtreemo Real HD Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2
Xtreemo Real HD

Get ready to be surprised by the Xtreemo Real HD resource pack as it brings the textures in a futuristic and modern style. It is one of the most polished Minecraft resource pack. All the Minecraft lovers will enjoy using the resource pack as it will improve the quality of…

Land of the Sun Resource Pack 1.12.2
Land of the Sun

If you are a Minecraft gamer, and you do not have Land of the sun resource pack, then you do not know what you are missing. The pack add warm colours to your Minecraft game world elevating your gaming experience out of this world. The gaming experience and the reliability…

Qtpie’s Cheerful Resource Pack 1.12.2
Qtpie's Cheerful Pack

Author of Qtpie’s Cheerful Resource Pack says that he developed it together with his wife. Maybe due to this, the style of the blocks in this resource pack are so bright and has lots of pink colors. The pack is pretty simple which creates a cartoon effect with less realism. It is cheerful pack with…

BaryDoku Remix Resource Pack 1.12.2
BaryDoku Remix

GeruDoku faithful pack is currently ranked as one of the most popular Minecraft resource packs that have also inspired several solid resource packs including the BaryDoku Remix. Unlike most of the GeruDoku’s Minecraft packs that seem to differ slightly from each other since they operate on a similar core formula,…

Real Nature Resource Pack 1.12.2
Real Nature Resource Pack

Real Nature Resource Pack is a brand new set of textures for minecraft. As you know, most minecraft packs try to make the look of the game as good as possible by simply designing every texture in various different ways. They create and it looks awesome but there are also…