Simplistic Resource Packs
recently updatedThis is a list of some of the best Simplistic Resource Packs in the world that were designed by various talented people. We provide you with a list, your task is to scroll through all the pages and find what is closer to your gameplay style.
Minecraft became such a popular game due to its graphics and gameplay. There is no story to keep players hooked. However, as time passed by, Minecraft did not age well. Graphics feel dated and while most resource packs try to increase texture resolution, there is only a handful that makes…
Minecraft players love the Firewolf resource pack with its opulent colors and rich textures. More and more players are learning to appreciate the vanilla art style of Minecraft. For many people, if all they had in Minecraft was the well-known vanilla style of the game, with its blocks and cubes,…
Everybody loves images that are easy on the eye. If you are looking for a texture pack that can take your Minecraft’s initial vanilla textures and make them radiate even more, Radiant Pixels resource pack is your best bet. The coolest thing about Radiant Pixels is that it does not…
Not everyone wants a Minecraft resource pack that completely alters the identity of the game, turning it into something that resembles the original. Feathercloud resource pack offers a different take on what it means to make Minecraft look better while preserving its look and feel. Being the HD version of…
Not all resource packs set a target for themselves to make Minecraft into something it is not. The Defscape resource pack does not try to bring in photorealistic graphics. What it tries to do is to add more details to existing textures. Defscape was released 11 years ago. It has…
While most resource packs attempt to increase texture resolutions to deliver better visuals, the Retro Pompeii resource pack uses a different approach. It reduces the texture resolution to 8×8 from the default 16×16. Surprisingly, it does not make the game more blocky than vanilla Minecraft even if the level of…
Until very recently Hollywood Blocks resource pack had not been updated even though it was created over seven years ago, meaning that this pack did not work with the newer versions of Minecraft. The original 128x project was started in mid 2013, but it was abandoned with the author citing…
In the vast sea of overwhelmingly detailed, high-resolution resource packs, the Simplex resource pack is a refreshing take on a minimalistic look that can rarely be seen these days. However, the simplicity of this pack doesn’t come at the cost of quality. It’s important to note that while it does…
The Sandy Dreams resource pack tries to maintain the standard graphics of Minecraft while updating its general look with low-res textures and animations. This pack is excellent for those with simple computer requirements, as the whole kit has a 16x resolution. Minecraft players who use this texture pack find that…
After the first Xaiwaker resource pack became open source, kyctarniq took everything one step further by creating the Xaiwaker Swirly resource pack. Believe it or not, this resource pack does share a lot with the original version – but it also brings a unique twist of its own that you’ll…
If you’ve been looking for a unique take on a cartoonish Minecraft feel, the BLCK resource pack might be just for you. Many similar attempts by the likes of Sphax go overboard with their overhauls, which can completely ruin the game for those that still enjoy Minecraft’s original formula. BLCK…
Not everyone wants a texture pack that makes Minecraft unrecognizable. The Purepixel’s Rubix resource pack is one great example of how with a few simple tweaks over the vanilla version of the game, Minecraft gets a lot better. Starting with the visuals and sounds in the game, the Rubix texture…
The Luxury Craft resource pack is a simple set of textures that aims to make the game simple, appealing and enjoyable. This may sound ironical, right? One may wonder why the name is so big and yet this pack is deemed simple. Part of the name of this craft, ‘luxury’…