Futuristic Resource Packs

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This is a list of some of the best Futuristic Resource Packs in the world that were designed by various talented people. We provide you with a list, your task is to scroll through all the pages and find what is closer to your gameplay style.

Norzeteus Space (FutureSpace) Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
FutureSpace (formerly Norzeteus Space)

As one of the first space-themed resource packs, Norzeteus’ Space is still relevant in the latest versions of Minecraft. Action-packed for the explorer-type player, when boredom ensues. Instead of the daily grind of tending to fields and hanging out with villagers on earth, do the same on distant worlds. The…

Space Station Resource Pack 1.17 / 1.16
Space Station

The Space Station resource pack was released in late 2021 by user OwlsCubed. He has several resource packs already released. With past experience of successful packs, the Space Station texture pack was released. Despite what the name would imply, you do not get to play Minecraft in space with this…

Tron Inspired Resource Pack 1.8.9 / 1.7.10
Tron Inspired

Are you interested to try and use a Tron Inspired resource pack in your Minecraft world? If yes, then please look no further as you have landed on the right page. Many of you may like and admire the special look and appearance of Tron. If you are one of…

A Touch of Trek Resource Pack 1.17 / 1.16
A Touch of Trek

A Touch of Trek is one of the Minecraft’s resource packs that’s a perfect choice for the fans of Star Trek. Numerous game textures are replaced and given an original Star Trek feeling. This pack is best suited for people interested in building Star Trek themed structures. Players that would…

NextCraft Resource Pack 1.7.10 / 1.6.4

The NextCraft resource pack is definitely a classic, and remains a beautiful and gorgeous Minecraft texture pack. Unfortunately, it stopped receiving updates after Minecraft versions 1.7.x, but for those who play older versions, the NextCraft resource pack still works. If you like futuristic themes, you will love the NextCraft resource…

Cyber Optics Resource Pack 1.8.9 / 1.7.4
Cyber Optics

The science fiction enthusiast inside you needs this Cyber Optics resource pack. It features several textures and visual elements to improve your game looks to a higher level by adding a futuristic touch of science fiction. In addition, it offers you a new experience that is much different from what…

SpaceLab Resource Pack 1.9.4 / 1.8.9

The SpaceLab resource pack is worth trying out. It provides Minecraft players with a fresh and immersive experience by completely changing the game into a full-fledged science fiction world. Initially, the SpaceLab texture pack was designed for an adventure map. However, that map never saw the light of day, so…

REX’ PACK Resource Pack 1.13.2 / 1.12.2

RexCraftia’s Rex resource pack completely revamps Minecraft’s textures and brings the game into a brand-new futuristic scenario. It’s a complete do-over of vanilla icons and textures, making them look better than ever before. Even though the futuristic concept isn’t unique, this pack becomes one-of-a-kind when it combines such high-quality work…

Precisely Portal Resource Pack 1.13.2 / 1.12.2
Precisely Portal

If you love the Portal game series, We are sure that you will like Precisely Portal resource pack that is so wonderfully created. The Precisely Portal pack recreates Minecraft’s textures so that the game looks exactly like Portal games. Now you have two options available to enjoy the Portal games…

Aleph Setei Resource Pack 1.8.9 / 1.7.10
Aleph Setei

Are you looking to spice up your Minecraft crafting with upgraded graphics? The Aleph Setei resource pack will boost your visuals and enhance your overall gaming experience. The resource pack improves your Minecraft visuals in a variety of ways to create a more engaging game. This robust pack features loads…

Utilization Resource Pack 1.8.9

Are you looking for a simple GUI pack for Minecraft? If yes, then here’s an option for you i.e. the Utilization pack. The Utilization resource pack will change and enhance the user interface in many ways. Well, it may not change the texture of the monsters, blocks, liquids, and all…

Aeon Resource Pack 1.12.2
Aeon Main & Aeon Extension

Aeon Extension is a resource pack that works a little differently from others. Unlike other packs, Aeon Extension works by updating many textures, and as a result, they give Minecraft an extra look from the outside or additional science fiction. As well, it adds several customized effects of sound hence…

Xtreemo Real HD Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2
Xtreemo Real HD

Get ready to be surprised by the Xtreemo Real HD resource pack as it brings the textures in a futuristic and modern style. It is one of the most polished Minecraft resource pack. All the Minecraft lovers will enjoy using the resource pack as it will improve the quality of…