Minecraft 1.8 Resource Packs
recently updatedA fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.8 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.
If you want to take your PvP to a higher level and increase Minecraft’s visual appeal tremendously, the Oversleep PvP resource pack is the best option. Minecraft players can use this PvP resource pack full of features to revolutionize your experience in a real sense. Oversleep PvP texture pack contains…
Are you familiar with the Magenta 64x PvP resource pack? This is an exclusive PvP texture pack that can bring an engaging and enjoyable gaming experience for you! It’s designed by iSparkton. Rest assured that it’s one of the most popular and most unique resource packs that mostly focus on…
One of the oldest yet very high in quality packs available for the game of Minecraft at this current moment is the Werian resource pack. As some beginners may be used to basic packs, the majority of the players of Minecraft find it hard to engage with the aura of…
InjataFlame which is a very attractive PvP themed resource pack of a Minecraft game considerably enhances the experience of a Minecraft. In addition to that, the resource pack also works to boosts the Minecraft play visuals by an enormous amount. One huge difference and trend that each of Minecraft player…
The BOLT Resource Pack for Minecraft is an almost traditional pack with some unique changes that were made by AglowOwl456. The resource pack, was mainly designed to save the default setting and the general feeling of Minecraft. Consequently, it was explicitly designed to give unprecedented changes to some of the…
Persönliches Paket (Sweden for Personal Pack) is a true-to-life resource pack which breathes new life into many of the game’s bland textures. Alongside the more complex blocks, this pack also overhauls some of the most common and often seen textures such as cobblestone and dirt, which is a testament to…
The Kleenex 3D resource pack accomplishes something not too many packs have in the past: mixing 3D and a simplistic aesthetic. Whenever you hear about a resource pack tries to be simplistic and 3D, you know it’s not going to be good – until now. Simplistic 3D packs have usually…
Minecraft. It’s almost addictive. And while there’s no doubt that Minecraft is fun, many of the resource packs seem to be, well, variations on a theme. But the Default 3D Models by Sibsib92 resource pack is definitely different. It focuses on a 3D look that will take your previous experience…
GeneralSmogyYT is the developer behind the production of the Ironman PvP resource pack. Ironman PvP is a well known stellar texture designed pack. GeneralSmogyYT is also behind the development of HellFire PvP and MatrixPVP. Similar to these other two packs done by the same developer, IronMan PVP contains firm visuals….
The Marvelouscraft resource pack has done a marvelous job of changing the appearance of the game. On the one hand, it is keeping the original simple look of Minecraft, and one the other, it has successfully created excellent graphics with a liberal dose of best quality visuals. The quality of…
The SilverStone resource pack had its development halted a couple of years ago. No developer has picked up the task of working on the resource pack thus SilverStone. The most recent release works with Minecraft 1.10. Players that wish to still play using the SilverStone resource pack will need to…
After a long and anticipated wait, Frenden’s Meringued Cartoon resource pack has been released. Built on the legacy left by Frenden’s Cartoon Pack, the resource pack brings a whole new set of visuals that sets Minecraft’s in a more cartoonish style. The original resource pack had its development halted despite…
The resource packs which are designed for Minecraft played in the Player vs Player (PvP) mode, usually will have a cleaner appearance and are not graphics intensive. This design ensures that players can get a better experience while playing the game in this mode. However, these packs are not very…