Bedwars Resource Packs

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Minecraft Bedwars texture pack is a new category on our website that is perfect for anyone looking for the new, awesome and most popular Bedwars resource packs. Below you can view a list of the best bedwar packs for minecraft created by different artists. We will continue to update this list as often as possible, so be sure to check this page from time to time.

Rose Revamp 32x PvP Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.8.9
Rose Revamp 32x PvP

If you are looking to enhance your PvP experience, you should give the Rose Revamp 32x resource pack a try. This texture pack has been designed specifically to strengthen PvP play. Many people find that frame-rate issues are something that is commonly experienced during PvP and mob hunting. While in…

Aluzion PvP Resource Pack 1.18 / 1.8.9
Aluzion PvP

Aluzion PvP resource pack was crafted with PvP players in mind. Even if vanilla Minecraft is a great game for multiplayer PvE, the PvP part cannot be disregarded. The number of players that enjoy PvP should not be underestimated. Aluzion PvP texture pack takes the vanilla Minecraft experience and tweaks…

Magma Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15

As you play Minecraft, your creative juices flow as a result of the construction and imaginative aspects of the game. This allows you to put up structures using a variety of cubes in a three-dimensional world. You can download specific content from the internet that will allow you to change…

Devine PvP Resource Pack 1.8.9

The Devine resource pack is SidGames_YT first try at a resource pack, so it might be somewhat unpolished, but he did an excellent job. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, the Devine resource pack is a dedicated and well-designed PvP pack. The new and improved graphics in…

8-bitCraft 2 Resource Pack 1.18 / 1.17
8-bitCraft 2

As suggested by its name, the minecraft 8-bitCraft 2 resource pack is simply 8-bitCraft’s remastered version that was available in the market from the end of year 2018. The Minecraft original 8-bitCraft definitely is a resource pack with stellar appearance that got transformed in the world environment of Minecraft into…

Chroma PvP Animated Resource Pack 1.8.9
Chroma PvP (Animated)

Chroma PvP is a one-of-a-kind animted and FPS resource pack that does not try to reinvent the wheel. Instead, it builds on the fundamentals that are known and loved by anyone that has ever enjoyed a PvP pack before. But Chroma resource pack doesn’t rely on fundamentals alone – it…

Smooth Blocks Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
Smooth Blocks

The Smooth Blocks and more is a recently released Minecraft resource pack that has been well received by the community. The Smooth Blocks and more resource pack strays away from traditional Minecraft texture packs, and doesn’t make the textures any more detailed, but instead removes any of the unneeded detail…

Dragon Fruit Resource Pack 1.8.9
Dragon Fruit 16x PvP

Have you heard about the Dragon Fruit 16x PvP resource pack and you are looking for more details about it? If yes, then please stop looking any further as you have landed on the right page. This is certainly one of the most unique pvp texture packs that put a…

King Bruts PvP Resource Pack 1.9.4 / 1.8.9
King Bruts PvP

PVP resource packs was uniquely created to assist in providing seamless and fluid play by simplifying the textures, clearing of the HUD and performing other important roles including a unique graphic flash capable of informing the player of instances of full power arrow launch. Initially, the Brut’s PVP resource pack…

Moonwake Resource Pack 1.8.9 / 1.7.10

The biggest gripe some players may have with the vast majority of resource packs is that most of them are resource hogs. Higher resolutions, more lighting effects, shaders, and moving textures can kill the framerates of a player with an older system. While they may be able to play vanilla…

Giorno Giovanna PvP Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.8.9
Giorno Giovanna PvP

There are very few Minecraft resource packs that are truly recognizable. Even fewer engage in adding new models that make certain objects look considerably better. The Giorno Giovanna PvP resource pack is one of the few such packs that add considerable changes to make it stand out. It makes it…

Zolt 16x Resource Pack 1.8.9
Zolt 16x PvP

Minecraft players willing to come up with a desired visual aspects are required to get Zolt 16x which is a player vs player resource pack. The visual feature of the game is necessary for improving the appearance of the game towards a proper experience by an individual. There has been…

DarkPvP Resource Pack 1.9.4 / 1.8.9

ItsioZ has designed a new resource pack called DarkPvP. The sole intention of designing this new resource pack is to enhance the PVP experience to all the Minecraft players and to bring into sharpness to the the dark world of Minecraft to the players who choose this resource park. Minecraft…