Bedrock / PE Resource Packs

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Here you can find different types of Minecraft Bedrock Edition resource packs designed by numerous authors. Explore a vast selection of Minecraft PE texture packs designed to enhance your gameplay with stunning visuals and textures. Our meticulously curated category page showcases an array of bedrock resource packs, from vibrant, high-resolution upgrades to whimsical and thematic transformations, ensuring a fresh and immersive experience for every type of Minecraft enthusiast. Whether you’re looking to refine the aesthetics of your sprawling creations or bring a new level of detail to your adventure maps, our comprehensive collection supports all versions of Minecraft Bedrock and Pocket Edition. Optimized for smooth performance, these downloadable packs are easy to install, elevating your Minecraft world with minimal fuss. Dive into our Minecraft PE resource and texture packs category and elevate your gaming experience today!

Faithless Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

The Faithless resource pack is one of the packs that take into interest how to overcome color deficiencies in Minecraft. Are you that type of person who cannot distinguish between colors and you are a gamer or want to try a certain game? Well, this is the pack for you…

Overgrown Flowery GUI Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Overgrown Flowery GUI

When you think about resource packs, the Overgrown Flowery GUI is probably not something that you would associate them with. By now, we’re all used to the regular packs that change most of the textures inside the game, including blocks, tools, mobs, and everything else that you can see and…

Wayukian Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Wayukian (New Wayukian)

The Wayukian resource pack was released many years ago and it is one of the few resource packs that kept getting updates constantly. The updates come from a different user than the creator that took over the project and continues working on it under the name of New Wayukian. It…

vonDoomCraft Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

If you are looking for a resource pack that can provide graphics and visuals that have never been seen before in Minecraft, the vonDoomCraft resource pack is one to check out. One of the most unique features of this pack is that it is inspired by a horror theme, which…

Soft Bits Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Soft Bits!

Soft Bits is a resource pack designed by Wolfie Tundra. This resource pack is designed based on the PlasticCraft resource pack. The PlasticCraft resource pack was produced some time back. It is based on its features that Wolfie Tundra have designed a much better resource pack. The Soft Bits resource…

X-Ray Ultimate Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
X-Ray Ultimate

Nowadays, many people enjoy spending their free time while playing games. One of the best games that people enjoy to play is the mining adventure that is found in Minecraft. Minecraft is one of the games that needs good playing skills. Among the participant, there are players who have good…

Bare Bones Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Bare Bones

Bare Bones is a popular minecraft resource pack that was initially created in 2017 and continues to receive critical acclaim and high reviews from many gamers. The Bare Bones resource pack gives minecraft world a much more simple look that is easy on the eyes and is appealing to many…

BlockPixel Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

If you have been using BlockPixel as a resource pack for a long time, then chances are that you probably know a bit of its history. It has been in existed for about seven years now however it is majorly famous in the Chinese community that is why most of…

Wolfhound Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

Do you find mining in caves heartbreaking while struggling to gaze through the grim darkness? How many times have you had to fight the urge of running through the sun-drenched fields? Do you wish to see blooming white roses and peach during spring? Don’t worry, the wolfhound texture pack maybe…

SimonKraft Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

The SimonKraft resource pack managed to change vanilla Minecraft for the better with its astonishing visuals, making the whole game feel more alive. When players are looking for texture packs to try, they are usually looking for a visual upgrade. Some resource packs do it better than others. SimonKraft is…

Easy Blocks Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Easy Blocks

Easy Blocks resource pack remains faithful to the original cartoonish look of Minecraft and without any grandiose ambitions, it managed to bring a fresh new look to the game. Not everyone is into high-resolution resource packs. For many players, the 16x resolution of textures in vanilla Minecraft is good enough…

Lithos Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

If you like the idea of a Faithful-inspired resource pack that adds a bit more spice to the textures instead of being fully vanilla, look no further than the Lithos texture pack. It has just enough novelty to keep the players interested while providing a comfortable experience even during longer…

Faithful 64x Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Faithful 64x (Compliance 64x)

Faithful 64x resource pack or also known as Compliance 64x resource pack tasks itself with improving the environment visuals and overall details in Minecraft. To achieve this, the developer opted for a hike in texture resolution. As the name states, the resolution of the textures is 64x which is 4…