Minecraft 1.9 Resource Packs
recently updatedA fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.9 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.
Jalele resource pack has a very pretty textures that will be perfect for exploring new territories in minecraft. Jalele changes not only the blocks around you, but also icons of items in the inventory, as well as the objects themselves. That is, you get recognizable but completely renewed world with a…
As you might know, nowadays 3D games are gaining big popularity because every developer wants to make his game as modern as possible. If we talk about user computers they also have become a little bit cheaper but much more powerful which allow us to enjoy modern technology in the…
Darklands Resource Pack which is in the medieval style. I would not say that this pack has some special features, but it is still awesome! Since there is a big number of different resource packs, some are good and some resource packs aren’t good enough. So, I want to include this…
AVP Resource Pack in the style of Aliens vs Predator with an excellent mob and block textures. AVP is a pretty cool pack. You’re like a robot in this pack … Enjoy!
Kyctarniq, the author of Kyctarniq’s Photo Based Resource Pack says that it is a textures based on real photographs. Well, maybe it’s true, but at 32x resolution it is almost impossible to convey a realistic image. But, in any case, the textures are still amazing and very cute. So you can safely…
Everything in LordTrilobite’s NorseCraft Resource Pack is edited! Including GUI, armor, icons, weapons sun andmoon and ofcourse Terrain! You will absolutely enjoy it! Since minecraft version 1.8 this pack is officially being updated by kyctarniq, who designed many popular resource packs such as evenTime or Darklands.
The Mine War Z resource pack as you probably noticed is a very themed and immersive set of textures based on world war z movie. Textures has been created and currently updated by palou40. Mine War Z could be the best resource pack available for all Minecraft players who are…
CubCon Resource Pack is made a little bit in gloomy style, but they are very realistic. Various blocks and other textures are realized using photoshop. Everything in this pack looks pretty harmonious and beautiful. I think most of minecrafters will like this pack. So, enjoy it!
All the Minecraft lovers prefer no interference in their play. Minecraft is the most interesting game in which one has to place blocks and go an adventures. There are various kinds of modes in which Minecraft can be played. All the people who love to play in Creative mode generally…
UI or User Interface is one of the most important parts of any gameplay. That’s why today we want to introduce a new resource pack named Dark Scrolls User Interface, and as you might already noticed, it is a set of textures that focuses entirely on the minecraft’s UI (user…
Have you ever have entertained the idea of Minecraft being about something else other than mining, building and perhaps farming? The main idea of Dancing Life Resource Pack is to transform your minecraft world to as much “dancing moves” as possible. Dancing Life inside of its resource pack contains many…
Want to remember the old days? When minecraft was still in alpha testing? No problem! Nostalgia-Craft Resource Pack is created just for you! Resource pack that replaces all the current minecraft textures to the old alpha version of the minecraft! Featured video: This textures supports the latest version of the minecraft but…
There is always a day when you spend hours on finding a suitable resource pack, which would fulfill all of your needs but sometimes you just can’t find it. We are not sure if everyone will like this pack but for anyone who is looking for a simple and as…