Minecraft 1.8 Resource Packs
recently updatedA fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.8 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.
For the correct work of Minecraft Custom Sky you will need either an Optifine or MCPatcher. This resource pack contains beautiful space styled sky to replace your usual minecraft sky. Also, the sky is changed during the day and night. So, if it’s a night time you will see beautiful night sky…
Blizard72 is the main designer of EasyDefault Resource Pack. He decided to create a pack that would not stress the eyes of the player with its sharpness and contrast. And he did it! He created a pack that contains default textures but much smoother and more pleasant to the eyes….
Bluebird resource pack has a very interesting look at the game and they do not look like a 16x textures. After installing them you will just want to start up your client, run around and watch the stunning world of minecraft! It is not a HD pack and it doesn’t have any…
Needless to explain what these textures are about. You can understand what these textures are about just by reading it’s title. Default RPG Resource Pack includes a simple textures which makes the game look default and RPG styled at the same time. Major changes sat down on the mobs, items and weapons.
Middle Ages continues to surprise us. Incredible textures and a new music in the style of middle ages makes this resource pack Awesome! Kalos – very good texture pack in Victorian style which is mostly like a copy of the standard textures but author has added elements of RPG, as well as replacing…
Ornate 5 Revived Resource Pack can occupy a honor place from all minecraft texture packs, maybe even the first one. Ornate 5 Revived is a great textures, a little bit gloomy but very atmospheric textures.
Today we want to present you another qualitatively drawn minecraft resource pack. It is called Mini City. The pack is well done and drawn. It is suitable for those who like to build big buildings, houses, office centers, etc. Well-chosen colors for textures makes the pack pleasant to they eyes….
How long does minecraft texture designers wasn’t releasing any new packs that would become an excellent replacement for a default minecraft textures. But, today I want to present you a pack called Limpid Haze Resource Pack, a new and awesome 32×32 medieval styled pack that is still work in progress.
Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 Resource Pack is based on a pretty popular game of the same name. The pack is still in development but most of blocks and items are already finished. It adds some interesting textures, including armor sets, as well as blocks and decorations from the original game. Five…
Strange Workshop is a very interesting resource pack for minecraft made in a fantasy style and filled completely with dark tones and with a few hints of humor. Really an unique and worth it pack. As my own opinion, this pack will be ideal for any of your RPG desires….
XDcobra’s 3D Resource Pack is another default looking but 3D minecraft resource pack. Most blocks are already finished but the pack is not yet complete. It is still in W.I.P. status and a lot of new 3D models will be added in future.
ProZeth is a pretty beautiful resource pack developed by XYZDimensions. It contains saturated colours, graphics leaning more towards the style of realism. For a realistic clouds and sky you should use OptiFine or MCpatcher. In the future, the author plans to add a bit of animation, connecting textures and possibly…
Hello, I am glad that you looked up to me here. Today I would like to tell you about the resource pack called Wolion HD. It’s designed for minecraft to show users a beautiful realism. And I think it is pretty good and beautiful. Just look on textures of the…