256x Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality 256x Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

CMR Extreme Realistic Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
CMR Extreme Realistic

For most, the CMR Extreme Realistic is a name that immediately generates a lot of excitement and enthusiasm. This pack is no different because it claims to prove an incredibly realistic graphics setting and a similar overall gaming experience. Luckily for all Minecraft fans, the pack absolutely does this and…

ULTRA HD Default Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2
ULTRA HD Default

Want to get high-end visual graphics for your favorite sandbox game, Minecraft? Ultra HD Default resource pack is an amazing set of textures that improves one of the most important elements in a game- the graphics. With Ultra HD Default, you get crystal clear, high definition pixels, all without altering…

KoP Photo Realism Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2
KoP Photo Realism

The KoP Photo Realism resource pack is one of oldest existing packs, and it is also one of the packs that were properly maintained. It is not uncommon for the popularity of resource packs of Minecraft to gradually and progressively drop and finally cease to exist. The most common reason…

Urbancraft 2.0 Resource Pack 1.7.10
Urbancraft 2.0

Designing a resource pack for Minecraft is not just for experts. Anyone with graphic design or pixel editor software has the potential to create a pack. But, why bother when you have access to something like Urbancraft 2.0 resource pack? Urbancraft 2.0 is a high-resolution resource pack that makes urban…

PosterCraft HD Resource Pack 1.8.8
PosterCraft HD

PosterCraft HD Resource Pack is a very good texture, a bit cartoonish, but still comes in a good quality. Install it using MCPatcher! It also works with OptiFine! Enjoy!

Ravand’s Realistic Resource Pack 1.7.10 / 1.6.4
Ravand’s Realistic

One of the earliest texture packs developed for Minecraft was the Ravand’s realistic resource pack. The pack was first released more than five years ago. Though it is not being updated regularly, this pack remains popular among those who play Minecraft. The resource pack is developed specifically for players who…

Rise Of Tredonia Resource Pack 1.6.4
Rise Of Tredonia

Many people spend a lot of hours in Minecraft without ever realizing that there is more to the graphical potential of the game. Resource packs are a great way to improve the graphical quality of the game without changing the way it is played. Most people have thought about what…

R3D CRAFT Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2

Players from the world will be excited to discover the R3D Craft resource pack, as the main purpose of this pack is to bring the players more lifelike textures and authentic Minecraft worlds. The focus of this high-resolution pack is to change the appearance of objects and blocks, and not…

LokiCraft Resource Pack 1.13 / 1.12.2
LoKiCraft PureCartoonPack

When a game is designed to run on low spec systems, you know that graphics are not going to be as exciting as, say, Skyrim or similar, graphics heavy games that require a heavy duty gaming computer. With Minecraft, it is a little bit different because everything depends on how…

NatureCraft HD Realism Resource Pack 1.12.2
NatureCraft HD Realism

Naturecraft resource pack has only been launched barely a few days ago. However, this unique resource pack has managed to win the hearts of many people as it was eagerly expected prior to its existence. To be honest, Naturecaft has so far been able to attain a milestone of more…

Animesque HD Resource Pack 1.12.2
Animesque HD

Animesque HD resource pack is a Minecraft pack that is inspired by two THINGS: These two things are the Sphax resource pack which you can download here and the anime. Even though this pack is incomplete because it is still a Work-in-progress, it is not so far from completion. Moreover,…

Sphax PureBDCraft FTB Resource Pack 1.12.2
Sphax PureBDCraft: Feed the Beast

This morning I played minecraft on Feed the Beast server but somehow I got bored playing with default minecraft textures and decided to search for FTB compatible minecraft resource pack. And you know what? I found it! I found an awesome Feed the Beast pack! Yeah! You all know resource pack called Sphax…

Forgotten Memories Resource Pack 1.7.10
Forgotten Memories

This Forgotten Memories Resource Pack was created specifically for the minecraft horror map of the same name. I am not a big fan of horror textures but sometimes I love to have fun with something like this. In my opinion, this is very quality textures and author put a lot…