16x Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality 16x Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Snaether Christmas Resource Pack 1.7.10
Snaether Christmas

Snaether Christmas is, as you already noticed, a Christmas textures. Now everywhere in your minecraft world you will see falling snow, beautiful Christmas trees, decorations and festive atmosphere. Textures are ideal for lovers of the original style, but wanting to see a little more festive minecraft.

Stickland Resource Pack 1.12.2

Most the players making use of Minecraft resource packs do so because these packs add plenty of visual sparkle to gameplay by increasing detail to the texture, and enhancing the color among various other aspects. On the other hand, the Stickland resource pack follows a quite different trend. Above everything…

Super Mario Bros. Resource Pack 1.12.2
Super Mario Bros. 3 Edition

I think you already knew why this pack is titled or called Super Mario Bros. 3 Edition resource pack. Yeah, these textures will allow you to return to childhood, to feel nostalgia, which had previously been so popular among all people of the world, as the game Mario is a game…

Super Mario World Edition Resource Pack 1.12.2
Super Mario World Edition

There is little doubt that the latest resource pack created by GreenLightningx6 called Super Mario World Edition goes beyond anything he has released previously. Whether you are new to Super Mario or a seasoned player you can play the latest editions on all the major gaming systems, but this is…

Rick and Morty

If you are a fan of science-fiction series, chances are you might be the victim of the worldwide storm created by Rick and Morty since the first episode was broadcast. Based on this popular animated sitcom, one minecrafter had created a Rick and Morty resource pack to catch the trend….

Alvoria’s Sanity Resource Pack 1.12.2
Alvoria's Sanity

Alvoria’s Sanity are nice textures with an extremely attractive style. Alvoria’s Sanity is also a very high quality and sophisticated resource pack for minecraft. The author was not lazy and have changed the look of almost all objects in the game, including the items, blocks, terrain, GUI etc. And thanks to…

Megacraft Classic Resource Pack 1.12.2
Megacraft Classic: Be the Block Bomber!

Megacraft Classic Resource Pack should be liked by those who being a child was playing old game console such as Dendy or Sega and not some PS3 or X-box 360 consoles. Megacraft Classic textures will change and maybe improve your cubic world of minecraft and will make it similar to the legendary game called Megaman….

Defaulted Christmas Resource Pack 1.11.2
Default-Style Christmas Pack

Futureazoo’s Defaulted Christmas Pack or now known as Default-Style Christmas Pack is a set of textures which is based on default minecraft textures but all the blocks and all the items are edited and designed for a Christmas spirit! As the developer of this pack says, this pack is for minecraft…

Winter Season Resource Pack 1.12.2
Winter Season Pack

Recently, the Light Drifter had come up with an Autumn Season resource pack that provided refreshing activities to minecraft. The winter pack is similar to the autumn pack as it focuses on visualizing the Minecraft to improving the gaming experience by changing season in the game. The Winter season resource…

Summer Season Resource Pack 1.12.2
Summer Season Pack

Light Drifter creates excellent resource pack series and this time around; they have designed Summer Season resource pack which becomes the third seasonal resource pack. This set of textures features outstanding characteristics that offer the minecrafters a fascinating experience to wander the whole world of Minecraft with ease. This has…

Ventura Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2

The Ventura resource pack can be simply described as a perfect replacement for Minecraft due to its unique style. This low resolution resource pack is preferred by most players as it is visually appealing to the eye. Apart from being adventurous and visually appealing to players, the Ventura pack is…

SilverMines Resource Pack 1.8.8
Silver Mines

Silver Mines Resource Pack that comes in a higher resolution which has a positive impact and a very beautiful and cool style. Texture done very well, most of the items have been changed and edited.

Stardew Craft Resource Pack 1.12.2
Stardew Craft

The Stardew Craft simply is a certain resource pack which just like this name itself suggests, has gotten its inspiration from the popular Stardew Valley. Stardew Valley simply is a simulation of a game that incorporates farming which has drawn the attention of most gamers all over the globe due…