Minecraft 1.7.9 Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.7.9 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Space Architect Resource Pack 1.7.10
Space Architect

The Space Architect resource pack stands out as a truly distinctive addition to the world of Minecraft texture packs. While most packs lean toward realistic visuals or stick close to the default vanilla theme, Space Architect introduces a bold sci-fi aesthetic, offering players a completely new perspective on the game….

Green Hill Resource Pack 1.7.10
Green Hill Pack

If you are one from the generation that is familiar with consoles like Sega then Green Hill Pack will suit you in all hundred percent. The graphics and textures in this pack are borrowed from console games. Therefore, it is a cartoon styled pack and it has a very, very…

Evolutrium Craft Resource Pack 1.7.10
Evolutrium Craft

Evolutrium Craft is a great collection of beautiful and high resolution textures and completed in HD quality which comes in resolution of 64x. This pack supports animation and in generally it just looks very cool. Yes, it has some animated textures and some not. Minecraft will be more realistic with…

Fibercraft Resource Pack 1.7.10

Do you often feel uncomfortable in Minecraft? Do you feel that something is wrong? Or maybe you feel lonely, sad? You want a little bit of warmth and softness? So this textures is that you need! All of this textures in the pack are really amazing! Very soft and fuzzy! Resolution…

Lemony Blocks Resource Pack 1.7.10
Lemony Blocks

Lemony Blocks Resource Pack contains simple but very nice textures for Minecraft. Perhaps somewhere excessive simplicity makes the game a little bit primitive, but on the other hand it really looks cartoonish, cute and beautiful. If you want to know my opinion about this resource pack then I can tell you…

Biophelia Resource Pack 1.7.10

Realistic textures make the planet of minecraft game incredibly beautiful. Biophelia Resource Pack greatly and impressively copes with this problem and makes minecraft look different, but realistic. Various blocks and objects are designed very carefully, most of the blocks are smooth and bright. This is pretty new pack and popularity of this…

CutieCraft Resource Pack 1.7.10

CutieCraft is cute enough resource pack with a pretty nice and sweet block and item textures. CutieCraft is really one of the most pleasant resource packs which stylistically reminiscent SugarPack and High on Sugar packs, although it is not really similar to it. Colors of this pack aren’t very bright and flashy but…

Day One Resource Pack 1.7.10
Day One

Day One Resource Pack is really cool textures that will combine a bit of futurism and also a little bit of Middle Ages. Something similar can be found in The Hunger Games. A world in which people live is Middle Age but there are various technologies of the future. Something…

Galactavia Resource Pack 1.7.10

Today I’d like to introduce you another resource pack. It is called Galactavia Resource Pack. I would start describing it by saying that it looks pretty cartoonish and soft. Author made ​​them as if in the form of squares of different colors and sizes, giving the resource pack some beauty and originality. All this…

DTI Resource Pack 1.7.10

With Default Textures Improved resource pack or shorter DTI, the original textures will be somewhat different, more simple and recognizable. It is just a Standard textures but with higher resolution and a lot of different improvements. Everyone should enjoy it!

Native American Resource Pack 1.7.10

This pack is mostly called IRON.HORSE or Native American which, I think, is mystical resource pack. This pack will show you America before it was settled with its current residents. These textures will transfer you to the ancient times … Old TNT, the old pistons, a jukebox, a hookah, a magician tables and so…

Tim-pack Resource Pack 1.7.10

Tim-pack Resource Pack are very funny and very lovely textures. Tim-pack textures tries to be unqiue and at the same time as original as it is possible. In my opinion, this is really amazing pack for people who loves a fun environment.

Viki’s Resource Pack 1.7.10

After installing this texture pack and enabling it you will see how awesome does various minecraft blocks, items, weapons etc. look and how realistic are minecraft mobs. You will be able to see this awesomeness only after downloading and installing Viki´s Resource Pack. Good luck and enjoy!