Minecraft 1.14.2 Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.14.2 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

BlockPixel Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

If you have been using BlockPixel as a resource pack for a long time, then chances are that you probably know a bit of its history. It has been in existed for about seven years now however it is majorly famous in the Chinese community that is why most of…

Wolfhound Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

Do you find mining in caves heartbreaking while struggling to gaze through the grim darkness? How many times have you had to fight the urge of running through the sun-drenched fields? Do you wish to see blooming white roses and peach during spring? Don’t worry, the wolfhound texture pack maybe…

Wolfhound Asian Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Wolfhound Asian

ThistlePack has designed Wolfhound Asian resource pack, a part of a fantastic series called the Wolfhound series. The developer has ensured to craft each resource pack in the series to give them a unique appearance. If you are searching for a texture pack that provides a rich cultural feel, this…

Fancy Skies Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Fancy Skies

The Fancy Skies resource pack does precisely what its title implies: It turns Minecraft’s sky into an attractive sight. Vanilla Minecraft’s sky is ordinary, and although it looks beautiful at first, it can become lackluster over time. Fancy Skies changes the view into a stunning beauty that you’ll love to…

Norzeteus Space (FutureSpace) Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
FutureSpace (formerly Norzeteus Space)

As one of the first space-themed resource packs, Norzeteus’ Space is still relevant in the latest versions of Minecraft. Action-packed for the explorer-type player, when boredom ensues. Instead of the daily grind of tending to fields and hanging out with villagers on earth, do the same on distant worlds. The…

Better Leaves Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Motschen's Better Leaves

Motschen’s Better Leaves – while the name itself might give you an idea of what this resource pack is all about, it still adds a lot of value to the game despite its simplicity. Every Minecraft player, veteran or novice, knows that the game’s trademark is its textures’ cartoonish, child-like…

Pencil Pack Hand Drawn Resource Pack 1.16 / 1.15
Pencil Pack

The Pencil Pack resource pack is one of the most unique and innovative Minecraft texture packs available today. This particular pack is exceptional with its detailed hand drawings. Most resource packs do not feature hand-drawn texture packs. Sometimes you will see resource packs that provide limited quantities of hand-drawn textures,…

Faithful 64x Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Faithful 64x (Compliance 64x)

Faithful 64x resource pack or also known as Compliance 64x resource pack tasks itself with improving the environment visuals and overall details in Minecraft. To achieve this, the developer opted for a hike in texture resolution. As the name states, the resolution of the textures is 64x which is 4…

LB Photo Realism Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
LB Photo Realism

Due to the fact that Minecraft is a game that looks blocky and cubic naturally, it may come as a shock that it requests CPU and GPU resources rather demandingly for its simple aesthetic. Maybe this is the reason resource packs, similar to the LB Photorealism resource pack are so…

Better X-Ray Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Better X-Ray

Minecraft is a very popular game but it has its flaws. While there is a lot to love about Minecraft, we see that hundreds if not thousands of resource packs were developed to tweak the game, improve visuals or add new blocks. Very few resource packs address gameplay problems. There…

Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Mizuno's 16 Craft

Mizuno’s 16 Craft resource pack enhances the world of Minecraft with impressive visuals. This texture pack will become a favorite of many players because of how well the textures in this pack look on screen. The fact that this resource pack is able to keep the graphics looking great without…

Night Vision Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20
Night Vision

Modern games have a night and day cycle for a good reason. It makes the world feel more alive and it allows for different gameplay mechanics to be introduced. Minecraft is no different. The game has a night and day cycle system that all players enjoy. However, when the Sun…

Jolicraft Resource Pack 1.20 / 1.19

The problem with most resource packs these days is that they focus too much on bumping up the resolution. Certainly, you get improved visuals but at the cost of game performance. Out of all of them, only a handful make it worthwhile to sacrifice framerates for visuals. The alternative is…