16x Resource Packs
recently updatedA fairly large list of quality 16x Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.
Realistic Realm is different from most of the other resource packs in Minecraft in the sense that it aims to bring about a big change in the game. In order to make the game more fun to play, this resource pack is planning to bring a change in the entire…
Do you like simplistic packs? Smoothcraft is simplistic and small resolution minecraft resource pack. From developer’s words Smoothcraft Resource Pack is more saturated then default textures. Personally, I think this is very appealing resource pack and one of the best of the lower resolution options available. Additionally this pack also…
AVP Resource Pack in the style of Aliens vs Predator with an excellent mob and block textures. AVP is a pretty cool pack. You’re like a robot in this pack … Enjoy!
Kyctarniq, the author of Kyctarniq’s Photo Based Resource Pack says that it is a textures based on real photographs. Well, maybe it’s true, but at 32x resolution it is almost impossible to convey a realistic image. But, in any case, the textures are still amazing and very cute. So you can safely…
Everything in LordTrilobite’s NorseCraft Resource Pack is edited! Including GUI, armor, icons, weapons sun andmoon and ofcourse Terrain! You will absolutely enjoy it! Since minecraft version 1.8 this pack is officially being updated by kyctarniq, who designed many popular resource packs such as evenTime or Darklands.
If you are searching for one of the best Minecraft texture packs, then you have got the Jungle Ruins resource pack. This is a top-notch pack that was originally designed by the JungleRuins Team. Jungle Ruins resource pack has a really amazing theme simply because the users will experience a…
Have you ever have entertained the idea of Minecraft being about something else other than mining, building and perhaps farming? The main idea of Dancing Life Resource Pack is to transform your minecraft world to as much “dancing moves” as possible. Dancing Life inside of its resource pack contains many…
Pokemon Gold is a resource pack for Minecraft whose plot revolves around the legendary animated series Pokemon and the main feature of this pack is that it perfectly reflects the feel of pokemons into minecraft. It is a simple, 16×16 resolution textures which everyone can try.
Want to remember the old days? When minecraft was still in alpha testing? No problem! Nostalgia-Craft Resource Pack is created just for you! Resource pack that replaces all the current minecraft textures to the old alpha version of the minecraft! Featured video: This textures supports the latest version of the minecraft but…
There is always a day when you spend hours on finding a suitable resource pack, which would fulfill all of your needs but sometimes you just can’t find it. We are not sure if everyone will like this pack but for anyone who is looking for a simple and as…
Techno’s Timeless Resource Pack contains simplistic textures for minecraft with a default look. Most of blocks in this pack are already textured and the pack itself is almost finished. All you have to do is to download, install and enjoy! Featured video: You can view some screenshots bellow, but it is always better…
CombatPlus GUI is a cool resource pack that will completely change the standard minecraft interfaces as well as the battle system. If you are fond of all sorts of battles you will definitely enjoy this pack. It does not change any landscape views or blocks because it is developed to change…
BudPack Resource Pack is a very simple set of textures in which you will not see any unusual frills, but everything looks very colorful and organically. A little bit of cartoon and a little bit of simplistic textures makes this resource pack unique. Brightly colored resource pack made relatively in cartoon style.