Minecraft 1.7.10 Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.7.10 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

RealCW Resource Pack 1.9.4

A new resource pack called RealCW has been released recently. As official authors of RealCW Resource Pack says, it took a lot of months for them to finish this pack and make it available for everyone. Featured video: I love the feature that it doesn’t really deviate from the original…

S&K Photo Realism Resource Pack 1.9.4
S&K Photo Realism

S&K Photo Realism is pretty large resource pack that completely changes the default look of minecraft and changes the default gamestyle too. The main reason for such changes is because S&K Photo Realism is a very, and again, very realistic minecraft resource pack! The pack was made using  photo realism format. It…

CSB Resource Pack 1.8.8

So, what we have for today? Well, today I want to offer you this pack called CSB Resource Pack because this is one of the only packs which are very colorful and awesome textures for 2014 year that have a total resolution of 16×16. Look at the screenshots! It is really awesome!…

Rectangular Resource Pack 1.8.8
Rectangular Pack

Many simple or simplistic resource packs use different geometrical shapes such as squares, like in CubeBlocks or Swirl Craft. As you have seen from the title, in Rectangular Pack will be used rectangles. This creates a cartoon effect, although visually the gameplay and atmosphere of the game will be similar…

Elements Resource Pack 1.8.8

Elements is a great resource or texture pack that changes not only the form of blocks and models of various monsters and characters, but also adds and modifies the standard animations! Through, this texture pack, makes a transformation in terms of graphics and 32×32 pixels, and in terms of Minecraft physics….

Classical Spire Resource Pack 1.8.8
Classical Spire

Classical Spire is an excellent resource pack, in the expansion of 64×64 pixels. Classical Spire resource pack is a kind of medieval style which is suitable for all lovers of this style. Featured video: Quite original resource pack with a well-drawn textures in that will give the game a classic…

Dragon’s Edge Resource Pack 1.8.8
Dragon’s Edge

Dragon’s Edge is a new and very cool pack of textures for Minecraft. This resource pack was created based on a cool game about dragons. That is why the appearance of textures and the in-game menu will look in the style of dragons and fire. Featured video: Dragon’s Edge Resource…

Star Wars Resource Pack 1.8.8
Star Wars

Star Wars Resource Pack – textures that have been created for fans of the movie named “Star Wars.” Although, minecraft is a good game but using this textures it becomes much better, especially for fans of Star Wars.

Miner’s Delight Resource Pack 1.8.8
Miner's Delight

Miner’s Delight contains a really nice and beautiful textures. I think lots of people will like it just because it will make your mining in minecraft caves more comfortable and enjoying. Featured video: Miner’s Delight Resource Pack was created for people who likes mining more than exploring and fighting. In the screenshots…

Science & Biology Resource Pack 1.8.9 / 1.7.10
Science & Biology

To Minecraft players out there who feel tremendous passion towards the sciences and the mysteries they reveal, then the Science & Biology resource pack was built for you. Some are intrigued by the strange creatures of the microscopic world, others are fascinated by machines. There are textures and animations suited…

Intermacgod Realistic Modern Resource Pack 1.8.8
Intermacgod Realistic Modern

Of course, we all remember a texture pack called Intermacgod Realistic, and maybe even some of us currently use it in their beautiful minecraft worlds. The Intermacgod Realistic Modern pack has the textures of high resolution that are able to turn minecraft into a realistic but at the same time into a modern…

Detailed Realism Resource Pack 1.8.8
Detailed Realism

The purpose of this Detailed Realism Resource Pack is to achieve the highest possible realism and make the minecraft world and the game itself even more interesting and enjoyable than before. The pack is not yet fully finished and is still in development, but most of textures are done. Pack is updated…

LD Modern Resource Pack 1.8.8
LD Modern

LD Modern is a pack of textures for minecraft which are mainly focused on the construction of modern buildings and cities. With this resource pack, you can build huge skyscrapers, build modern streets and big modernish cities. All the textures in this pack are designed in a modern style and are not similar…