256x Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality 256x Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Intermacgod Realistic Resource Pack 1.8.8
Intermacgod Realistic

Intermacgod is a realistic resource pack which is one of textures that are based on three different well-known texture packs. Intermacgod Realistic is based by this packs: LB Photo, Sphax PureBDCraft and KoP Photo Realism.

Sketch Hand Drawn Resource Pack 1.8.8
Sketch Hand Drawn

I already posted a lot of minecraft packs which became very popular for a very short time. Today I want to post another pack which is also become very popular for a short time. Its called Sketch Hand Drawn Resource Pack that is created by FireandIce. I think this is his second…

Faerielight Resource Pack 1.7.10

Faerielight Resource Pack remakes your minecraft world, this pack transfers minecraft into a photorealistic and RPG styled world with a beautifuly designed textures and remarkable quality! You will probably enjoy it!

Elements RPG Resource Pack 1.7.10
Elements RPG

Elements RPG Resource Pack is a simply elegant and very nice texture for minecraft. Pack of colorful textures provided in the resolution of 64x and available for download with a single click!

Doodle Blocks Resource Pack 1.7.10
Doodle Blocks

Doodle Blocks HD Cartoon Resource Pack is made in HD resolution and with a resolution of 256×256 pixels, the selection of textures in it are cartoony and in simplified style. Doodle Blocks is stunning HD resource pack that replaces almost all default textures with smoothed and cartoon styled semi-faithful drawn textures, but…

Minecraft Enhanced Resource Pack 1.7.10
Minecraft Enhanced

Most of us like the standard resources, textures in minecraft. Minecraft Enhanced Resource Pack is like standart but … Enhanced. All the textures are edited and changed for a comfortable gameplay.

Celtic HD Photo Realism Resource Pack 1.7.10
Celtic HD Photo Realism

Celtic HD Photo Realism Resource Pack something really unique and new in minecraft textures world. It has a compatibility with mods like Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shader and also with iChun’s Portal Gun. Well, just check the screenshots to see how good it is!

MojoKraft Realistic Resource Pack 1.12.2
MojoKraft Realistic

MojoKraft Realistic Resource Pack is a very detailed and photorealistic resource pack for minecraft which is based on a HD or HQ photos and makes the game look more realistic and detailed but at the same time it is Rustic!

Enhanced Photo Realism Christmas Edition Resource Pack 1.12.2
Enhanced Photo Realism: Christmas Edition

Christmas is coming and a lot of authors will try to create a Christmas themed resource packs and give to our minecraft worlds some Christmas feeling. Featured video: Today we want to present you a Christmas Edition of Enhanced Photo Realism Resource Pack. The pack itself comes in high resolutions,…

Realism Fantasia Resource Pack 1.8.9
Realism - Fantasia

The birth of the Realism – Fantasia Resource Pack, which happens to be amongst the most lifelike resource packs ever, has marked a sensational moment in Minecraft’s world. Although it is a rather simple name, it will do something to the world which isn’t simple at all This lifelike pack,…

Resource Pack Shader Support 1.10.2
Resource Pack Shader Support

We all know that the textures or nowadays it is resource packs are very important part of any minecraft gameplay. To enhance and make minecraft experience better we regularly spending hours to find a suitable resource pack. For people with stronger computers it takes a little bit less time because…

RealCW Resource Pack 1.9.4

A new resource pack called RealCW has been released recently. As official authors of RealCW Resource Pack says, it took a lot of months for them to finish this pack and make it available for everyone. Featured video: I love the feature that it doesn’t really deviate from the original…

S&K Photo Realism Resource Pack 1.9.4
S&K Photo Realism

S&K Photo Realism is pretty large resource pack that completely changes the default look of minecraft and changes the default gamestyle too. The main reason for such changes is because S&K Photo Realism is a very, and again, very realistic minecraft resource pack! The pack was made using  photo realism format. It…