Minecraft 1.8 Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.8 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Enhanced Photo Realism Christmas Edition Resource Pack 1.12.2
Enhanced Photo Realism: Christmas Edition

Christmas is coming and a lot of authors will try to create a Christmas themed resource packs and give to our minecraft worlds some Christmas feeling. Featured video: Today we want to present you a Christmas Edition of Enhanced Photo Realism Resource Pack. The pack itself comes in high resolutions,…

Arcility HD Resource Pack 1.8.8
Arcility HD

Not a very realistic but also not too frilly resource pack, in other words, we can’t say that it is a fully cartoon based texture pack. Arcility HD resource pack has its own unique and original features and a smooth style. Arcility has a resolution of 64×64.

Ventura Resource Pack 1.12.2 / 1.11.2

The Ventura resource pack can be simply described as a perfect replacement for Minecraft due to its unique style. This low resolution resource pack is preferred by most players as it is visually appealing to the eye. Apart from being adventurous and visually appealing to players, the Ventura pack is…

Eventime’s Resource Pack 1.11.2

Today is a great day and we want to present you an excellent minecraft resource pack created by EventimeTeam & kyctarniq. It is titled as Eventime’s Resource Pack which is created under the exotic style! Featured video: The pack it self was created by the evenTime Team and they created a really amazing pack….

SilverMines Resource Pack 1.8.8
Silver Mines

Silver Mines Resource Pack that comes in a higher resolution which has a positive impact and a very beautiful and cool style. Texture done very well, most of the items have been changed and edited.

Block Ops Zombies Resource Pack 1.8.1
Block Ops Zombies

Block Ops Zombies is a very good designed resource pack based on well know game, call of duty: black ops! Comes with resolution of 32×32. Enjoy everyone!

Bordercraft Resource Pack 1.12.2

Bordercraft Resource Pack is a texture pack which is made on the basis of fairly well-known game, Borderlands. This texture pack is made in cartoon style. Enjoy!

Blocksmith Hybrid Resource Pack 1.11.2
Blocksmith Hybrid

Blocksmith Hybrid Resource Pack is a new minecraft textures pack which, I would say, is really awesome. In other words, Blocksmith Hybrid is an improved version of default minecraft textures but comes in 32x resolution.

Realism Fantasia Resource Pack 1.8.9
Realism - Fantasia

The birth of the Realism – Fantasia Resource Pack, which happens to be amongst the most lifelike resource packs ever, has marked a sensational moment in Minecraft’s world. Although it is a rather simple name, it will do something to the world which isn’t simple at all This lifelike pack,…

Glitch’s 3D Addons Resource Pack 1.12
Glitch's 3D Addons Pack

If you want a simple resource pack but to stick as close as possible to default textures, and if you want to have it 3D then try Glitch’s 3D Addons Pack which is exactly what was described above. Simple but default pack with simplistic textures and with new 3D models…

DustyCraft Resource Pack 1.12

DustyCraft Resource Pack is a good saturated high-resolution texture pack which was originally released on September 2010. The pack has a very high level of detail and comes with some custom mob textures.

Smoothcraft Resource Pack 1.12

Do you like simplistic packs? Smoothcraft is simplistic and small resolution minecraft resource pack. From developer’s words Smoothcraft Resource Pack is more saturated then default textures. Personally, I think this is very appealing resource pack and one of the best of the lower resolution options available. Additionally this pack also…

Jalele HD Resource Pack 1.12
Jalele HD

Jalele resource pack has a very pretty textures that will be perfect for exploring new territories in minecraft. Jalele changes not only the blocks around you, but also icons of items in the inventory, as well as the objects themselves. That is, you get recognizable but completely renewed world with a…