Minecraft 1.7.4 Resource Packs

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A fairly large list of quality Minecraft 1.7.4 Resource Packs designed by various artists. Be sure to scroll through all the pages and you will surely find something that you will like.

Scaramando’s Halloween Realism Resource Pack 1.7.10
Scaramando's Halloween Realism

Halloween themed resource packs are very popular in minecraft and many people love it. There are a lot of different halloween styled packs and today I want to present you not a very new but very good pack named Scaramando’s Halloween Realism Resource Pack. As you can notice from the…

Smoothtex Resource Pack 1.7.10

Smoothtex is very pleasant and lightly-colored textures for Minecraft. In my opinion, this is one of the most pleasant resource packs there ever created, enjoy!

Under The Black Flag Resource Pack 1.7.10
Under The Black Flag

Many people like Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed game and many of them also love minecraft. Under The Black Flag resource pack is an awesome pack which will help you to combine both games into one! What does it mean? Well, you will play minecraft and you will build, mine, craft and you will do…

Architects Dream Resource Pack 1.7.10 / 1.6.4
Architects Dream

The Architects Dream Resource Pack created by wafflemaker1 and first released in 2013, is a nostalgic favorite among Minecraft players who enjoy modern and clean aesthetics. Despite being incomplete, with approximately 85% of its textures finished, the pack has left a lasting impression on the community. Its design caters to…

Planet Earth Inheritor Resource Pack 1.7.10
Planet Earth: Inheritor

The future! 500 years later, earth’s climate has changed, the economy and culture began to disintegrate, the human race on the brink of extinction. You’re Steve. What do you think will you do to survive ? Don’t think, just enjoy! Incredible resource pack with a fully futuristic themed world. Planet Earth:…

BLOCKU HD Resource Pack 1.7.10

BLOCKU HD Resource Pack contains smooth HD quality textures for Minecraft. Visually, textures are brightly colored and most block textures are sharply simplistic. I would include this resource pack to my Unique Minecraft resource packs list. Again, this is not a realistic pack or a very high resolution pack, it is…

Heartlands Resource Pack 1.7.10

Heartlands Resource Pack is pack which combines cartoon and realism, and softness, and sharpness. It is really beautiful pack, it is almost perfect! This pack is super beautiful and rich for minecraft. It diversifies the gaming world and make it a very different from default minecraft world and make it much more…

Pokemon Works Resource Pack 1.7.10
Pokemon Works

Don’t you want appear in the world of Pokemons? With this question I would like to start describing Pokemon Works Resource Pack. This resource pack is made especially for fans of the popular cartoon animation, Pokemon. If you want to play in the world of Pokemons but don’t want to install any additional…

Adventure Time Pro Resource Pack 1.7.10
Adventure Time Pro

Perhaps the most impressive look is a textures which are designed in the same style. An excellent example of such textures is Adventure Time Pro Resource Pack. It is another resource pack that is based on a popular T.V. show, Adventure time. Yes, they are aweasome …

Monster Hunter Tri Resource Pack 1.7.10
Monster Hunter Tri

Monster Hunter Tri Resource Pack is based on the cult game that fascinates millions of players, Monster Hunter. Many people like this pack, maybe those who already played this game. But, have you played this game or not, he texture will attract everyone!

Craftee Resource Pack 1.7.10

Craftee Resource Pack is a downloadable textures for minecraft with are really pretty good and nice. Everything is done qualitatively, not dazzled. A total of 16x resolution.

Mine of Duty Resource Pack 1.7.10
Mine of Duty

Mine of Duty Resource Pack is created and designed by theDIGITALDIAMONDS. It is call of duty based minecraft texture pack that comes in a res of 32x.

Genuine DayZ Resource Pack 1.7.10
Genuine DayZ

Genuine DayZ Resource Pack is turned out pretty grim and dark, though, it was the main objective of authors. It is suitable for use on the maps in the style of a zombie apocalypse, however, it is not suitable for default gameplay because some textures have been replaced by thematicaly:  for…