Better X-Ray Resource Pack 1.21 / 1.20

Minecraft is a very popular game but it has its flaws. While there is a lot to love about Minecraft, we see that hundreds if not thousands of resource packs were developed to tweak the game, improve visuals or add new blocks. Very few resource packs address gameplay problems. There are certain aspects of the game that many players simply dislike. One such problem is the grinding part of Minecraft. To have some progression while playing Minecraft, you will need to mine a lot of ores and diamonds. Not only that these are scarce but they are also difficult to find. Some things in the game you can only do if you have considerable quantities of the rarest diamonds in your inventory. This means that you can end up mining for tens of hours if not hundreds to reach your progression goals. Several packs offer various solutions to this progression mechanic and Better X-Ray resource pack is one of them. The better X-Ray texture pack has been published in 2021 by AlleCraft. The developer wants to make an improved version of popular resource packs that allow you to see only ores and diamond blocks. Because of his smart implementation and because he made his resource pack compatible with both newer and older versions of Minecraft, Better X-Ray gained popularity very fast. With hundreds of thousands of downloads in less than a year, the developer keeps publishing updates, continuously improving it. The way Better X-Ray works is rather simple. Without changing game mechanics, injecting code, or working as software or mod, Better X-Ray works like a regular resource pack. Some servers may not allow you to use a resource pack such as Better X-Ray. While it is not cheating in the true sense of the word, it can offer you an unfair advantage over players that do not use it. Understanding how Better X-Ray functions are anything but complicated.

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What it does is just removes textures off blocks and leave untouched only the textures on valuable blocks such as ore and diamonds. This does not mean that all other blocks become completely invisible. This would make the game unplayable because it would make you completely blind to the terrain around you. You could fall into lava without even knowing it. What the resource pack does is create an outline around regular blocks. For example, a block that has a grass texture on it will appear like a transparent block with a green outline around its edges. As an additional note, Better X-Ray works in other dimensions including the Nether. This is an important aspect to note as you need to go into the Nether to find ancient debris. With the resource pack installed, you will find ancient debris easier than ever. Because of how the Better X-Ray resource pack works, it does not add anything to the game. It does not change textures or texture resolution and it does not add new blocks. This means that the resource pack itself is very compact. At the same time, because most textures are made invisible, it means that your video card has to work less. The direct effect is a slight framerate increase. On vanilla Minecraft, the framerate should not be a problem. Because you should see no impact on in-game performance using the Better X-Ray resource pack it does not mean that it is a good resource pack for PvP players. Not seeing blocks is a great disadvantage. However, it can make enemies easier to spot even when they are hiding. The only downside to Better X-Ray is that it cannot be toggled on or off while playing the game. Once you install the Better X-Ray resource pack, the effect stays on. The only way to see blocks again is to just uninstall or disable the resource pack before getting into a world. Installing the Better X-Ray resource pack is very simple. You need to use Optifine to install it. Also, keep in mind that there are several editions of the Better X-Ray resource pack. You can have the lite and standard versions. The Standard is 4 times lighter than the regular X-Ray Ultimate and the Lite version is 8 times lighter.

Better X-Ray should be compatible with all of these Minecraft versions: 1.21.4 - 1.21.3 - 1.21.2 - 1.21.1 - 1.21 - 1.20.6 - 1.20.5 - 1.20.4 - 1.20.3 - 1.20.2 - 1.20.1 - 1.20 - 1.19.4 - 1.19.3 - 1.19.2 - 1.19.1 - 1.19 - 1.18.2 - 1.18.1 - 1.18 - 1.17.1 - 1.17 - 1.16.5 - 1.16.4 - 1.16.3 - 1.16.2 - 1.16.1 - 1.16 - 1.15.2 - 1.15.1 - 1.15 - 1.14.4 - 1.14.3 - 1.14.2 - 1.14 - 1.13.2 - 1.13.1 - 1.13

Better X-Ray — Screenshots

How to install Better X-Ray Resource Pack:

  1. Most resource packs require Optifine, so be sure to download and install it. – general recommended step for all packs, Optifine is also needed for most shaders
  2. Download the Better X-Ray texture pack for Minecraft from the download section below. – if there are many different versions, just choose the one you like, is compatible with your version/edition of Minecraft, the one you think your computer can handle in terms of performance.
  3. Launch the game client through the Minecraft launcher.
  4. On the main menu, click "Options".
  5. On the options menu, click "Resource Packs...".
  6. Click on "Open Resource Pack Folder". – folder titled "resourcepacks" will pop up
  7. Move the .zip file you downloaded in the first step to the newly opened "resourcepacks" folder.
  8. Click "Done".
  9. Click on "Resource Packs..." again.
  10. Your pack should have appeared in the left window, just hover over it and click on the arrow pointing to the right.

    QUICK TIP: Sometimes, when activating a pack, the game may say that the pack is made for a newer or older version of Minecraft. This is just a warning, it does not affect your gameplay in anyway, and you can still activate and enjoy the pack by simply clicking the "Yes" button when prompted.

  11. Click "Done" again.
  12. The pack has now been successfully loaded and ready to be used in your world!


  • Standard Better X-ray is 4 times lighter of normal X-Ray Ultimate;
  • Lite Better X-ray is 8 times lighter of normal X-Ray Ultimate;

Better X-Ray Texture Pack Download

  • Credit for the creation of Better X-Ray goes to AlleCraft.
  • We never modify or edit resource packs in any way. None of the resource packs, shader mods or tools you see on this website are hosted on our servers. We use only official download links provided by official authors. Therefore, they are completely safe and secure.
  • Since the links are official and we update them manually - the links may stop working with each new update. We make every effort to update links as quickly as possible and usually we update everything on time and users have no problems, but if suddenly any link stops working - let us know through the comments below.
  • Don't forget to leave a comment below and vote for the pack. By doing this, you help the author(s) keep improving the project. If you want to support the author(s), be sure to check the author links just below the download links.

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Author: AlleCraft
Last updated: 13 December 2024
Category: X-Ray
Compatibility: Java

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Comments regarding "incompatibility message" will no longer be approved as the "incompatibility message" can be easily ignored by simply clicking "Yes" when prompted, or read our article How to fix «made for older version» problem with most resource packs?
Links in comments are not allowed. Comments containing links will be removed.
Before commenting that the resource pack crashed your game, google your crash log. This is usually a graphic card driver issue.

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  1. kaanm

    I can see golds but ı cant see my lfe

  2. archit

    does it find anicient debries

  3. bambi

    does it work on bedrock?

      1. Jael♥️👦🏻

        How do you get it!?! Btw does it work on Java?

        1. Admin

          Yes, it works on Java. Check out the installation section and download section on this page.

  4. Zayan

    thanks bro

  5. Jefferson

    How do i unable the xray when i dont need it but when i need how do i enable it back

  6. jose

    whenever i put on the resource pack my game crashes after abt 1-2 minutes of mining. (something to note is that i am using optifine with shaders on, maybe that has something to do with it). can anyone help me out here?

    1. Admin

      resource packs can’t really crash the game if they are installed correctly and the world loads fine, while shaders work similar as resource packs they can still crash the game, but we recommend you try reinstalling optifine (probably different version) as it has the highest chance of causing a crash.

  7. The Sith Turkey

    does it work with ancient debris??

  8. Danny boy

    Very useful and I appreciate it.

  9. booger

    virtually useless the ores are just black unless they are one block away

  10. Theo

    i cant see the ores that well as in the screenshots

    1. Admin

      Try playing around with the shader settings if you have shaders installed.